Our School


Jikun Huang

/ 2016-07-11


       PhD in Agricultural Economics, 1987-90

       University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

       BS in Agricultural Economics, 1980-84

       NanjingAgricultural University, Nanjing, 210014, China

Positions Current 

primary positions:

Professor, School of AdvancedAgricultural Sciences, Peking University  

Director, Center for ChineseAgricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of SciencesSenior Research Professor at the CAS S&T Think Tank

Other major positions in recent 5 years:



Member,ExpertAdvisory Committee, Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of China

Member,Soft Science Academic Committee, MOA of China

Member,S&T Academic Committee, MOA, China

Vicechair, Expert Committee of International Collaborative, MOA

Member,Academic Committee, Chinese Academy ofAgricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Member and vice Chair, Academic Committee, Economic Forecasting Center,CAS

Member,Academic Committee, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Member,Graduate Degree Committee, Universityof Chinese Academy of Sciences

Member,Academic Committee, IGSNRR, CAS

Member,Graduate Degree Committee, IGSNRR, CAS

Member,Academic Committee, China Institute for Rural Studies, Tsinghua University

Member,Academic Advisory, Econ & Human Development Center,Beijing University

Member,Academic Committee, Information Research Institute, CAAS


Board member, International Food andAgriculture Trade Policy Council (IPC) (ended in 2015)

Board member,International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA)

Member, Science & Policy Advisory Panel, theCGIAR Research Program (CRP2),

International Food Policy Research Institute 

Professor or adjunct professor in the following universities:

Zhejiang University, China’s Foreign Trade University, China’s Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Shanghai Ocean University, Henan Agricultural University, Jiangxi Agricultural University,and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Positions and membership in professional associations and journals:

Vice-presidentof Chinese Association of Agricultural Economics

Vice-President of Chinese Association of Agro-technologyEconomics

PresidentElected, Asian Society of Agricultural Economists

Executive member, Association of Management Modernization of China

Member,the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)

Member,Agricultural and Applied EconomicsAssociation (AAEA)

Editorialor Advisory Board in international journals

Co-editor,China Agricultural Economic Review

Associate-Editor, Asian Journal of Agriculture andDevelopment

Associate Editor, World Food Policy

Member of Advisory Board, Environment and Development Economics

Member of Advisory Board, Agricultural Economics

Member of Editorial Board, China Economic Review

Member of Editorial Board, Applied EconomicPerspectives and Policy

Member of Editorial Board, Agricultural WaterManagement

Member of Editorial Board, Global Food Security

Memberof Advisory Board, China Economic Journal

Member of Advisory Editors, Rangeland Journal

Member of Editorial Board, Journal of CommodityMarkets and Risk Management

Member of Editorial Board, Journal of IntegratedAgriculture

Member of Editorial Board, Agribusiness: anInternational Journal

Member of Editorial Advisory Board, AsianBiotechnology and Development Review

Member of Editorial Board, Quarterly Journal of International Agricultural

Member of Editorial Board, the Frontiers ofEconomics in China

Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Resourcesand Ecology

Member of Special Advisors, TransnationalCorporations Review 

Member of Editorial or Advisory Board inChinese journals


Chinese Academic Bulletin

ChinaEconomic Quarterly

ChineseRural Economy

ChinaRural Survey


Geographical Research

GlobalManagement Review

Issues in Agricultural Economy

Journal of Agrotechnical Economics

Management Review

Resources Science

Scienitia Agricultura Sinica

The Latest Monthly Statistics

WorldEconomic Papers

AgriculturalEconomics and Management

Acta PrataculturaeSinica

Awards and Honorary Tittles

Fellow, World Academy of Sciences TWAS - for the advancement of science in developing countries

Honorary Life Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)

Fellow of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association(AAEA)

Award for Scientific Progress (Second Prize), Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information, 2015

Award for the National Outstanding Team for Poverty Alleviation in China, the Poverty Alleviation Office, the State Council of China,2011

Award for IRRI’s Outstanding Alumni, International Rice Research Institute, 2010

Award for Distinguished Alumni, the University of the Philippines, Los Banos, 2008

Award for Fudan Outstanding Achievement in Management Science in China, 2008

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Third Prize) on Early Warning System Studyon Grain and Food Security, the Ministry of Agriculture of China, 2007

National Outstanding Scientist Certificate, the State Council of China, 2007

Award for the First and National Finalists “New Century’s Bai-Qian-Wan Talent Program”, People’s Republic of China (PRC), 2004

Outstanding Achievement Award for Oversea Returning Chinese, 2003

Winnerof the 5th Prizes for Young Scientists of China (top 10 Youth Scientists), PRC, 2002

Award for Innovation Team Grant, National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaCommittee (NSFC), 2001

Outstanding Youths in National Government Organization, awarded jointly by the StateCouncil and Several Ministries of China, 1999

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Second Prize) on Agricultural R&D Policy Study, the Ministry of Agriculture of China, 1999

Receiver of National Outstanding Youths Foundation, NSFC, 1998

Winner of the 4th Nomination Prizes for Young Scientists of China,PRC, 1998

TopTen Outstanding Youths Award, Chinese Academy of AgriculturalSciences, 1997

Top Ten Outstanding Staffs Award, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1997

Distinguished Agricultural Scientist, theMinistry of Agriculture of China,1997            

Sun Yefang’s Economic Prize (the highest economist award in China, given every 3 years), 1997

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Second Prize) on China’s Food Policy Study, the Ministry of Agriculture of China,1996

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Third Prize) on Zhejiang’s Seed Supply and Support System, Zhejiang Science and Technology Commission, 1996

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Third Prize) on China’s Crop Regionalization, theState Agricultural Regional Planning Commission and Ministry of Agriculture,1991

Received Several Best Quality Paper Awards from Various Academic Associations and Organizations in China

Project leader and co-leader in past 10 years

Received more than 80 major research project grants from China and international donors towork on agricultural and rural development

Advising Graduate Students:

Graduate program: advisor for about 60 M.S.and Ph.D graduate students with major in agricultural economics and management in 1997-2014

Post-doctorprogram: advisor for more than 10 post-doctors in 2000-2014. 

Employment Record:

December 2015 todate

Professor Schoolof Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University     

October 2000 to December 2015

Director Center forChinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Professor, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural ResourcesResearch, CAS

CCAP is led by a small group of well-trained research fellows and support staff who have unmatched skill andexperience in working on many aspects of agricultural and rural development.The Center has demonstrated that it can play unique roles in agriculturaleconomics in China and helping government to make a better policy inagricultural and rural development. CCAP was established in Chinese Academy ofAgricultural Sciences (CAAS) in 1995 and moved to CAS in 2000.  

October 1995 – October 2000

Director and Founder of Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP),Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing

Professor, Institute of Agricultural Economics, CAAS

September 1994 - September 1995

Research Fellower, InternationalFood Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C., USA     

August - September, 1994

Visiting Scholar, Stanford University

November 1992 - August 1994

Professor and Department Head, Agri. Econ.Dept., China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI), Hangzhou, China

October 1990-October 1992

Post-DoctorResearch Fellow, InternationalRice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines

April 1987-October 1990

Graduate Fellow, IRRI, Philippines

December 1985-February 1986

Collaborative Research Scholar, IRRI     

July 1984-April 1987

Research Assistant, CNRRI, Hangzhou, China

Consulting Experience

Consultants for more than 20international organizations, including World Bank, ADB, UNDP, FAO, WFP,ESCAP/UNs, UNEP, IFAD, OECD, APEC, Rockefeller Foundations, CGIAR, EUCommission, etc.


Huang’s publications cover a widerange of issues on agricultural and rural development. He has published morethan 460 papers in international and Chinese journals, of which more than 240 paperspublished in the refereed international journals by 2015. He is co-author of 19books. In addition, he also contributed 76 chapters in English books andproceedings published abroad and more than 40 papers (chapters) in Chinesebooks.

I.              Articles Published in RefereedInternational Journals

1.           Liu, Ying, Jikun Huang, Precious Zikhali, The bittersweet fruits ofindustrialization in rural China: The cost of environment and the benefit fromoff-farm employment, China EconomicReview, 38(2016):1-10.

2.           P.A.J. van Oort, G. Wang, J. Vos, H.Meinke, B.G. Li, J.K. Huang, W. van der Werf, Towardsgroundwater neutral cropping systems in the Alluvial Fans ofthe North ChinaPlain, Agricultural Water Management,165(2016): 131-140.

3.           Huang, Jikun, Yangjie Wang, and JinxiaWang, Farmers’ adaptation to extreme weather events through farm management andIts impacts on the mean and risk of rice yield in China, American Journalof Agricultural Economics, Vol. 97, No. 2(2015): 602-617.

4.           Huang, Jikun, Zhurong Huang, XiangpingJia, Ruifa Hu, Cheng Xiang, Long-term reduction of nitrogen fertilizer use throughknowledge training in rice production in China, Agricultural Systems, 135(2015): 105-111.

5.           Huang, Jikun, Ruijian Chen, Fangbin Qiaoand Kongming Wu, Biosafety management and pesticide use in China’s Bt cottonproduction, China Economic Review, 33(2015): 67-75.

6.           Huang, Jikun, Fangbin Qiao,Insect-Resistant GE Rice, Pesticide Use, and Rice Farmers’ Health in China, ISB News Report, May 2015:1-4.

7.           Ding, Jiping, Jikun Huang, Xiangping Jia, Junfei Bai,Steve Boucher, Michael Carter, Direct farm, production base, traceability andfood safety in China, Journal ofIntegrative Agriculture, 2015, 14(11): 2380–2390.

8.           Huang, Jikun, Bowen Peng, Consumers’ perceptions on GM food safety inurban China, Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture, 2015, 14(11): 2391–2400.

9.           Wang, Xiaobing, Cheng Xiang, Jikun Huang, Adoption and Uptake Pathway ofGM Technology by Chinese Smallholders: Evidence from Bt Cotton Production, AgBioForum, 2015. 18(1): 55-70.

10.       Lu, Yonglong, Alan Jenkins, Robert C. Ferrier, Mark Bailey, Iain J.Gordon, Shuai Song, Jikun Huang, Shaofeng Jia, Fusuo Zhang, Xuejun Liu,Zhaozhong Feng, Zhibin Zhang, Addressing China’s grand challenge of achievingfood security while ensuring environmental sustainability, Science Advances, 2015; 1: e1400039.

11.       Hu, Ruifa, Xusheng Huang, Jikun Huang,Yifan Li, Chao Zhang, Yanhong Yin, Zhaohui Chen, Yanhong Jin, Jinyang Cai, FangCui, Long- and Short-Term Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure: A Cohort Studyfrom China, PLOS ONE, Vol.10, No. 6, DOI:10.1371, 2015.

12.       Jia, Xiangping, Jikun Huang, Cheng Xiangand David Powlson, Reducing excessive nitrogen use in Chinese wheat productionthrough knowledge training: What are the implications for the public extensionsystem? Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 39 (2015):189–208.

13.       Deng, Xiangzheng, Jikun Huang, ScottRozelle, Jipeng Zhang, Zhihui Li, Impact of urbanization on cultivated landchanges in China, Land Use Policy, 45(2015): 1-7.

14.       Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Fangbin Qiao,Yanhong Yin, Huaiju Liu, Zhurong Huang, Impact of insect-resistant GM rice onpesticide use and farmers’ health in China, Science China: Life Sciences, 2015,Vol. 58, No. 5: 466-471.

15.       Wang, Jinxia, Yu Yang, Jikun Huang, Kevin Chen, Information provision,policy support, and farmers’ adaptive responses against drought: An empiricalstudy in the North China Plain,Ecological Modelling, 318 (2015) 275-282.

16.       Yan, Tingting, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang, Urbanization, agricultural wateruse, and regional and national crop production in China, Ecological Modelling, 318 (2015) 226-235.

17.       Hou, Lingling, Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang, Farmers’ perceptions of climatechange in China: the influence of social networks and farm assets, Climate Resrarch,Vol. 63,No. 3(2015): 191-201.

18.       Guo, Mingliang, Xiangping Jia, Jikun Huang, Krishna B. Kumar, Nicholas B.Burger, Farmer field school and farmer knowledge acquisition in riceproduction: Experimental evaluation in China, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 209 (2015):100-107.

19.       Jia, Xiangping, Hao Luan, Jikun Huang, Zuowen Li, A Comparative Analysisof the Use of Microfinance and Formal and Informal Credit by Farmers in LessDeveloped Areas of Rural China,Development Policy Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2015): 245-263.

20.       Huang, Jikun, Ruijian Chen, Fangbin Qiao, Honghua Su,and Kongming Wu, Does expression of Bt toxin matter in farmer's pesticide use? PlantBiotechnology Journal,12(2014): 399–401.

21.       Huang, Jikun, Climate Change and Agriculture: Impact andAdaptation, Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture,13, No. 4(2014): 657-659.

22.       Huang, Jikun, Jianwei Mi, Ruijian Chen, Honghua Su, Kongming Wu, FangbinQiao, Ruifa Hu, Effect of farm management practices in the Bt toxin productionby Bt cotton: evidence from farm fields in China, Transgenic Research (2014) 23:397–406.

23.       Huang, Jikun, Jiang Jing, Jinxia Wang and Lingling Hou, CropDiversification in Coping with Extreme Weather Events in China, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014,13(4): 677-686.

24.       Liu, Ying, Jikun Huang, Rural Domestic Waste Disposal: An Empirical Analysisin Five Provinces of China, ChinaAgricultural Economic Review, Vol. 6 No. 4(2014): 558-573.

25.       Chen, Huang, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang, Policy support, social capital,and farmers’ adaptation to drought in China, Global Environmental Change, 24 (2014): 193–202.

26.       Zhou, Ke, Jikun Huang, Xiangzheng Deng, Wopke van der Werf, Wei Zhang,Yanhui Lu, Kongming Wu, Feng Wu, Effects of land use and insecticides onnatural enemies of aphids incotton: First evidence from smallholder agriculturein theNorth China Plain, Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment, 183 (2014): 176-184.

27.       Huang, Jikun, Yangjie Wang, Financing Sustainable Agriculture UnderClimate Change, Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture, 2014, 13(4): 698-712.

28.       Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Lijuan Zhang, Qiuqiong Huang, Do incentivesstill matter for the reform of irrigation management in the Yellow River Basinin China? Journal of Hydrology,517 (2014): 584-594.

29.       Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Lijuan Zhang and Yumin Li, Impacts of climatechange on net crop revenue in North and South China, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 6 No 3(2014): 358-378.[SCI]

30.       Wang, Yangjie, Jikun Huang and Jinxia Wang, Household and CommunityAssets and Farmers’ Adaptation to Extreme Weather Event: the Case of Drought inChina, Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture, 2014, 13(4): 687-697.[SCI]

31.       Klaus, Deininger, Songqing Jin, Fand Xia, Jikun Huang, Moving Off theFarm: Land Institutions to Facilitate StructuralTransformation and Agricultural Productivity Growth in China, WorldDevelopment, Vol. 59(2014):505-520.[SSCI]

32.       Qiao, Fangbin, Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang,Renfu Luo, Road Expansionand Off-Farm Work in Rural China, The China Quarterly, June2014, No.218, pp:428-451.[SSCI]

33.       Xiang, Cheng, Xiangping Jia and Jikun Huang, Microfinancethrough non-governmental organizations and its effects on formal and informalcredit: Evidence from rural china, China Agricultural Economic Review,Vol. 6, No. 2(2014):182-197. [SCI]

34.       Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Jun Yang, 2014. Overview of Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation in China’s Agriculture, Journal of Integrative Agriculture,13(1):1-17.[SCI]

35.       Powlson, David, David Norse, David Chadwick, Yuelai Lu, Weifeng Zhang,Fusuo Zhang, Jikun Huang, Xiangping Jia, 2014. Contribution ofImproved Nitrogen Fertilizer Use to Development of a Low Carbon Economy inChina, World Agriculture, Vol. 4. No. 2: 10-18. [SCI]

36.       Sun, Dingqiang,Jikun Huang, Jun Yang, Do China's food safety standards affect agriculturaltrade? The case of dairy products, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 6 No. 1(2014): 21-37.[SCI]

37.       Liu Ying, JikunHuang, Precious Zikhali, Use of human excreta as organic fertilizer in ruralChina, Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture, Vol. 13, No.2(2014): 434-442. [SCI]

38.       Wu, Shaohong, Jikun Huang, Yanhua Liu,Jiangbo Gao, Jun Yang, Wentao Wang, Yunhe Yin, HaoLuan, and Wanlu Dong, Pros and cons of climate change in China, ChineseJournal of Population Resources and Environment, Vol. 12, No. 2(2014):95–102.

39.       Jia, Xiangping, Hao Luan, Jikun Huang,Shengli Li, Scott Rozelle, Marketing Raw Milkfrom Dairy Farmersbefore and after the 2008 Milk Scandal in China: Evidence from Greater Beijing ,Agribusiness,Vol. 30, No. 4(2014): 410-423.[SCI]

40.       Luan, Hao, Xiangping Jia, Jikun Huang,Household access to nongovernmental microfinance, formal credit and informalcredit in Rural China, Review of Economics & Finance, No.2( 2014) : 61-76.

41.       Huang, Jikun,Xiaobing Wang, and Scott Rozelle. 2013, The Subsidization of Farming Householdsin China’s Agriculture, Food Policy, 41(2013): 124-132.

42.       Hu, RuifaHu, Xiaobing Wang, Jikun Huang and Jinyang Cai. 2013. Patents and China’s Research and Development in AgriculturalBiotechnology, Nature Biotechnology,Vol. 31 No. 11(2013): 986-988.

43.       Deng, Xiangzheng, Jikun Huang, YingzhiLin, Qingling Shi. Interactions between Climate, Socioeconomics, and LandDynamics in Qinghai Province, China: A LUCD Model-Based Numerical Experiment,Advances in Meteorology, 2013, Volume 2013, Article ID 297926, 9 pages.http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/297926

44.       Deng, Xiangzheng, Zhihui Li, JikunHuang, Qingling Shi, Yanfei Li. A Revisit to the Impacts of Land Use Changes onthe Human Wellbeing via Altering the Ecosystem Provisioning Services, Advancesin Meteorology, 2013, Volume 2013, Article ID 907367, 8 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/907367

45.       Huang, Jikun. 2013.Food Supply Enough for Everyone, China Economic Quarterly, Vol. 7,No. 3(2013): 20-23.

46.       Wang, Honglin, FanYu, Thomas Reardon, Jikun Huang, and Scott Rozelle. 2013. Social Learning andParameter Uncertainty in Irreversible Investments: Evidence from GreenhouseAdoption in Northern China, China Economic Review, 27 (2013):104-120.

47.       Li, Zhihui, Xiangzheng Deng, JikunHuang, Rongrong Zhang, Juan Huang. Critical Studies on Integrating Land-UseInduced Effects on Climate Regulation Services into Impact Assessment for HumanWell-Being, Advances in Meteorology, 2013, Volume 2013, Article ID 831250,14 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/831250

48.       Zhi, Huayong, Zhurong Huang, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, and Andrew D. Mason. 2013. Impact of the Global Financial Crisis in RuralChina: Gender, Off-farm Employment, and Wages, Feminist Economics, Vol.19, No. 3(2013): 238-266.

49.       Chen, Ruijian, Jikun Huang, Fangbin Qiao. 2013. Farmers’ Knowledge on Pest Management and Pesticide Use in Bt CottonProduction in China, China Economic Review, 27 (2013):15-24.

50.       Jia, Xiangping,Cheng Xiang, Jikun Huang. 2013. Microfinance, Self-employment, andEntrepreneurs in Less Developed Areas of Rural China, China Economic Review, 27(2013): 94-103.

51.       Brauw, Alan de, Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle. 2013. The Feminisation of Agriculture with ChineseCharacteristics, The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 49, No. 5 (2013):689-704.

52.       Li, Qiang, JikunHuang, Renfu Luo, Chengfang Liu. 2013. China’s Labor Transition and the Futureof China’s Rural Wages and Employment, China & World Economy, Vol. 21,No.3 (2013): 2-24.

53.       Liu, Chengfang,Linxiu Zhang, Jikun Huang, Renfu Luo, Hongmei Yi, Yaojiang Shi and ScottRozelle,  Project Design, VillageGovernance and Infrastructure Quality in Rural China, China Agricultural EconomicReview, Vol. 5, No. 2(2013), pp:248-280.

54.       Wang, Jinxia, JikunHuang, Tingting Yan. 2013. Impacts of Climate Change on Water and AgriculturalProduction in Ten Large River Basins in China, Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture, Vol. 12, No. 7(2013): 1267-1278.

55.       Liu, Chengfang,Linxiu Zhang, Jikun Huang, Renfu Luo, Hongmei Yi, Yaojiang Shi and ScottRozelle. 2013. Project Design, Village Governance and Infrastructure Quality inRural China, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 5, No.2(2013):248-280.

56.       Liu, Elaine M. andJikun Huang. 2013. Risk Preferences and Pesticide Use by Cotton Farmers inChina, Journal of Development Economics, 103(2013): 202-215.

57.       Tariq, Ali, JikunHuang, Jun Yang.2013. Impact Assessment of Global and National BiofuelsDevelopments on Agriculture in Pakistan, Applied Energy, 104(2013): 466-474.

58.       Jia, Xiangping,Jikun Huang, Cheng Xiang, Fusuo Zhang, Xinping Chen, Zhenling Cui, and HolgerBergmann. 2013. Farmer’s Adoption of Improved Nitrogen Management Strategies inMaize Production in China: An Experimental Knowledge Training. Journalof Integrated Agriculture, Vol. 12, No.2 (2013): 364-373.

59.       Ma, Hengyun, JikunHuang, and Les Oxley. 2013. Capital Formation and Agricultural Growth in China,AsianEconomic Paper, Vol. 12, No.1 (2013): 164-188.

60.       Huang, Jikun, RuifaHu, Jinyang Cai, and Xiaobing Wang. 2012. Human Research Capacity in ChineseAgbiotech, Nature Biotechnology,Vol.30, No.10 (2012): 1007.

61.       Gao, Liangliang, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle. 2012. Rental Markets for Cultivated Land and Agricultural Investments inChina, Agricultural Economics, 43(2012): 391-403.

62.       Hou, Linke, JikunHuang, Xiaobing Wang, Ruifa Hu, Chunling Xue. 2012. Farmer’s Knowledge on GMTechnology and Pesticide Use: Evidence from Papaya Production in China, Journalof Integrative Agriculture, 12 (2012):2107-2115.

63.       Hu, Ruifa, JinyangCai, Jikun Huang, Xiaobing Wang. 2012. Silos Hamstring Chinese Plant BiotechSector, Nature Biotechnology, Vol. 30, No. 8 (2012): 749-750.

64.       Hu, Ruifa, YaqingCai, Kevin Z. Chen, Jikun Huang. 2012. Effects of Inclusive Public AgriculturalExtension Service: Results from a Policy Reform Experiment in Western China, ChinaEconomic Review, 23(2012): 962-974.

65.       Huang, Jikun, ChengXiang, Xiangping Jia and Ruifa Hu. 2012. Impacts of Training on Farmers’Nitrogen Use in Maize Production in Shandong, China, Journal of Soil and WaterConservation, Vol. 67, No 4 (2012): 321-327.

66.       Huang, Jikun, JunYang, Siwa Msangi, Scott Rozelle, Alfons Weersink. 2012. Biofuels and the Poor:Global Impact Pathways of Biofuels on Agricultural Markets, FoodPolicy, 37 (2012): 439-451.

67.       Huang, Jikun, JunYang, Siwa Msangi, Scott Rozelle, Alfons Weersink. 2012. Global BiofuelProduction and Poverty in China, Applied Energy, 98(2012): 246-255.

68.       Huang, Jikun, Liangliang Gao, Scott Rozelle. 2012. The Effect of Off-farm Employment on the Decisions of Householdsto Rent Out and Rent in Cultivated Land in China, China Agricultural EconomicReview, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2012): 5-17.

69.       Huang, Jikun,Yunhua Wu, Zhijian Yang, Scott Rozelle, Jacinto Fabiosa, and Fengxia Dong.2012. Marketing China’s Milk: A Case Study of the Sales Activity of DairyFarmers in Greater Beijing, China Economic Review, 23 (2012):675-689.

70.       Jia, Xiangping,Jikun Huang and Zhigang Xu. 2012. Marketing of Farmer Professional Cooperativesin the Wave of Transformed Agrofood Market in China, China Economic Review, 23(2012): 665-674.

71.       Jia, Xiangping,Jikun Huang, Hao Luan, Scott Rozelle, and Johan Swinnen. 2012. China’s MilkScandal, Government Policy and Production Decisions of Dairy Farmers: The Caseof Greater Beijing, Food Policy, 37(2012): 390-400.

72.       Mo, Di, JikunHuang, Xiangping Jia , Hao Luan, Scott Rozelle and Johan Swinnen. 2012.Checking into China’s Cow Hotels: Have Post-Milk Scandal Policies Changed theStructure of the Dairy Sector? Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 95,No. 5 (2012): 2282–2298.

73.       Qiao, Fangbin, Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang and Scott Rozelle. 2012. Pesticide Use and Farmers’ Health in China’s RiceProduction, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 4, No. 4(2012):468-484.

74.       Qiu, Huanguang,Jikun Huang, Carl Pray and Scott Rozelle. 2012. Consumers’ Trust in Governmentand Their Attitudes towards Genetically Modified Food: Empirical Evidence fromChina, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Vol. 10, NO.1(2012): 67-87.

75.       Qiu, Huanguang,Laixiang Sun, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2012. Liquid Biofuels in China:Current Status, Government Policies, and Future Opportunities and Challenges, Renewableand Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(2012): 3096-3104.

76.       Wei, Guoxue, Jikun Huang and Jun Yang. 2012. Honey Safety Standards and Its Impacts on China’s Honey Export, Journalof Integrative Agriculture, Vol.11, NO.4 (2012): 684-693.

77.       Wei, Guoxue, Jikun Huang, Jun Yang. 2012. The Impacts of Food Safety Standards on China’s Tea Exports, ChinaEconomic Review, 23(2012): 253-264.

78.       Xiang, Tao, JikunHuang, d’Artis Kancs, Scott Rozelle, Jo Swinnen. 2012. Food Standards andWelfare: General Equilibrium Effects, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.63, No. 2(2012): 223-244.

79.       Yang, Jun, JikunHuang, Scott Rozelle and Will Martin. 2012. Where is the Balance? Implicationsof Adopting Special Products and Sensitive Products in Doha Negotiations forWorld and China’s Agriculture, China Economic Review, 23 (2012):651-664.

80.       Ma, Hengyun, L. Oxley, A. Rae, C. Fan,Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle. 2012. The Evolution of Productivity Performance onChina’s Dairy Farms in the New Millennium, Journalof Dairy Science, 95(2012): 7074-7085.

81.       Tariq, Ali, JunYang, Jikun Huang. 2012. GTAP-PBIO: A GTAP Model and Data Base thatIncorporates Biofuels Sector of Pakistan, International Journal of Management Sciencesand Business Research,Vol.1, No.4 (2012):1-13.

82.       Wang, Xiaobing, Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle. 2011. The Rise of Migration and the Fall of SelfEmployment in Rural China’s Labor Market, China Economic Review,4(2011):573-584.

83.       Deng, Xiangzheng,Jikun Huang, Qiuqiong Huang, Scott Rozelle and John Gibson. 2011. Do Roads Leadto Grassland Degradation or Restoration? A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China,Environmentand Development Economics,Vol.16, No.6 (2011): 751-773.

84.       Jia, Xiangping,Jikun Huang. 2011. Contractual Arrangements between Farmer Cooperatives andBuyers in China, Food Policy, 36(2011): 656-666.

85.       Hu, Ruifa, QinLiang, Carl Pray, Jikun Huang, and Yanhong Jin. 2011. Privatization, PublicR&D Policy, and Private R&D Investment in China’s Agriculture, Journalof Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 36, No.2 (2011): 416-432.

86.       Yang, Jun, JikunHuang, Ninghui Li, Scott Rozelle and Will Martin. 2011. The Impact of the DohaTrade Proposals on Farmers’ Incomes in China, Journal of Policy Modeling,33 (2011): 439-452.

87.       Olivia, Susan, JohnGibson, Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang, and Xiangzheng Deng. 2011. Mapping Povertyin Rural China: How Much Does the Environment Matter? Environment and DevelopmentEconomic, 16(2011): 129-153.

88.       Huang, Jikun,Huayong Zhi, Zhurong Huang, Scott Rozelle and John Giles. 2011. The Impact ofthe Global Financial Crisis on Off-farm Employment and Earning in Rural China, WorldDevelopment, Vol. 39, No. 5 (2011): 797-807.

89.       Deng, Xiangzheng,Jikun Huang, Emi Uchida, Scott Rozelle and John Gibson. 2011. Pressure Cookersor Pressure Valves: Do Roads Lead to Deforestation in China? Journalof Environmental Economics and Management, 61 (2011): 79-94.

90.       Huang, Jikun,Xiaobing Wang, Huayong Zhi, Zhurong Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2011. Subsidiesand Distortions in China’s Agriculture: Evidence from Producer- Level Data, TheAustralian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 55 (2011):53-71.

91.       Qiao, Fangbin, JingChen, Colin Carter, Jikun Huang, and Scott Rozelle. 2011. Market Developmentand the Rise and Fall of Backyard Hog Production in China, The Developing Economics,Vol. 49, No. 2 (2011): 202-222.

92.       Gibson, John,Xiangzheng Deng, Geua Boe-Gibson, Scott Rozelle and Jikun Huang. 2011. WhichHouseholds are Most Distant from Health Centers in Rural China? Evidence from aGIS Network Analysis, Geojournal,76(2011): 245-255.

93.       Pray, Carl, LathaNagarajan, Luping Li, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, K. N. Selvaraj, Ora Napasintuwongand R. Chandra Babu. 2011. Potential Impact of Biotechnology on Adaption ofAgriculture to Climate Change: The Case of Drought Tolerant Rice Breeding inAsia, Sustainability, 3(2011): 1723-1741.

94.       Qiu, Huanguang,Jikun Huang, Michiel Keyzer, Wim van Veen, Scott Rozelle, Guenther Fisher, andTatuaba Ernolieva. 2011. Biofuel Development, Food Security and the Use ofMarginal Land in China, Journal of Environmental Quality,Vol. 40, No. 7-8 (2011): 1058-1067.

95.       Wang, Jinxia, Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar, Jikun Huang. 2010.How Chinese Farmers Change Crop Choice to Adapt to Climate Change?Climate Change Economics, Vol. 1, No. 3 (2010): 167–185.

96.       Huang, Jikun,Yunhua Wu, Zhijian Yang, Scott Rozelle, Jacinto Fabiosa and Fengxia Dong. 2010.Farmer Participation, Processing, and the Rise of Dairy Production in GreaterBeijing, P.R. China, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.58, No. 3(2010): 321-342.

97.       Huang, Jikun,Jianwei Mi, Hai Lin, Zijun Wang, Ruijian Chen, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelle and CarlPray. 2010. A Decade of Bt Cotton in Chinese Fields: Assessing the DirectEffects and Indirect Externalities of Bt Cotton Adoption in China, ScienceChina: Life Sciences, Vol. 53, No. 8 (2010): 981-991.

98.       Huang,Jikun, Jun Yang and Scott Rozelle. 2010. China’s Agriculture: Drivers of Changeand Implications for China and the Rest of World, Agricultural Economics,Vol. 41, No. 11 (2010): 47-55.

99.       Wu, Weiguang, Jikun Huang and Xiangzheng Deng. 2010. Potential land for plantation of Jatrophacurcas asfeedstock for biodiesel in China, Science China: Earth Sciences, Vol. 53,No. 1 (2010): 120-127.

100.    Huang, Jikunand Scott Rozelle. 2010. Agricultural Development, Nutrition, and the PoliciesBehind China’s Success, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development,Vol. 7, No. 7 (2010): 93-126.

101.    Deng, Xiangzheng, Jikun Huang, Fangbin Qiao,Rosamond L. Naylor, Walter P. Falcon, MarshallBurke, Scott Rozelle, and David Battisti. 2010. Impacts of El Nino-SouthernOscillation events on China’s rice production, Journalof Geographical Sciences, (2010) 20: 3-16.

102.    Qiu, Huanguang, Jikun Huang, Jun Yang, Scott Rozelle, Yuhua Zhang, Yahui Zhang and Yanli Zhang. 2010. Bioethanol Development in China andthe Potential Impacts on Its agricultural Economy, Applied Energy, 87(2010): 76-83.

103.   Deng, Xiangzheng, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle andEmi Uchida. 2010. Economic Growth and the Expansion of Urban Land in China, UrbanStudies, Vol. 47, No. 4 (2010): 813-843.

104.    Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, LijuanZhang, Scott Rozelle and Helen F. Farnsworth. 2010. Why is China’s Blue Revolution so “Blue”? TheDeterminants of Conservation Tillage in China, Journal of Soil and WaterConservation, Vol. 65, No. 2 (2010): 113-129.

105.    Luo, Renfu,Linxiu Zhang, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2010. Village Elections, Public Goods Investments and Pork BarrelPolitics, Chinese- Style, Journal of Development Studies, Vol.46, No. 4 (2010): 662-684. .

106.    Bai, Junfei, Thomas I. Wahl, Bryan T. Lohmar, JikunHuang. 2010. Food Away from Home in Beijing: Effects of Wealth, Time and “free” Meals, ChinaEconomic Review, 21 (2010): 432-441.

107.   Zhang,Lijuan, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang, Qiuqiong Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2010.Access to Groundwater andAgricultural Production in China, Agricultural Water Management, 97(2010): 1609-1616.

108.    Huang, Qiuqiong, Scott Rozelle, Richard Howitt, JinxiaWang and Jikun Huang. 2010. Irrigation Water Demand and Implications for Water Pricing Policy in Rural China, Environmentand Development Economics, Vol. 15, No. 3 (2010): 293-319.

109.    Zhang, Xiaoyong, Jikun Huang, Huanguang Qiu, Zhurong Huang. 2010. A consumer segmentation study with regards to genetically modified foodin urban China, Food Policy, 35 (2010): 456–462.

110.    Qiao, Fangbin, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle and JamesWilen. 2010. Natural Refuge Crops, Buildup of Resistance, and Zero-refuge Strategy for Bt Cotton in China, ScienceChina: Life Sciences, Vol. 53, No. 10 (2010): 1227-1238.

111.   Zhang, Caiping, Junfei Bai, Bryan Lohmarand Jikun Huang. 2010. How Do Consumers Determine the Safety of Milk inBeijing, China? China Economic Review, Vol. 21, No.1 (2010):45-54.

112.    Deng, Hengshan, Jikun Huang, ZhigangXu and Scott Rozelle. 2010. PolicySupport and Emerging FarmerProfessional Cooperatives in Rural China, China Economic Review,21(2010):495-507.

113.    Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Lijuan Zhang, Qiuqiong Huangand Scott Rozelle. 2010. Water Governance and Water Use Efficiency: The FivePrinciples of WUA Management and Performance in China, Journal of the American WaterResources Association, Vol. 46, No. 4 (2010): 665-685.

114.    Shen, Minggao, Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang and ScottRozelle. 2010, Financial Reform and Transition in China: A Study of the Evolution of Banks in Rural China, AgriculturalFinance Review, Vol. 70, No. 3 (2010): 305-332.

115.    Wang, Honglin, Xiaoxia Dong, Scott Rozelle, JikunHuang and Thomas Reardon. 2009. Producing and Procuring Horticultural Crops with Chinese Characteristics: TheCase of Northern China, World Development, Vol. 37, No. 11(2009): 1791-1801.

116.    Huang, Jikun, Yu Liu, Will Martin and Scott Rozelle.2009. Changes in Trade and DomesticDistortions Affecting China’s Agriculture, Food Policy, 34 (2009): 407-416.

117.    Yang, Jun, Jikun Huang, Huanguang Qiu, Scott Rozelle andMercy A. Sombilla. 2009. Biofuels and the Greater Mekong Sub-region: Assessing the Impact on Prices,Production and Trade, Applied Energy, 86 (2009): 537-546.

118.    Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Qiuqiong Huang, Scott Rozelleand H. F. Farnsworth. 2009. The Evolution of Groundwater Governance: Productivity, Equity and Changes in theLevel of China’s Aquifers, QuarterlyJournal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 42 (2009): 267-280.

119.   Jin, Songqing,Hengyun Ma, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Scott Rozelle. 2010. Productivity, efficiency and technical change: measuring the performance of China’s transformingagriculture, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 33 (2010):191–207.

120.   Huang, Jikun, Yunhua Wu and ScottRozelle. 2009. Moving off the Farm and Intensifying Agricultural Production inShandong: A Case Study of Rural Labor Market Linkages in China,Agricultural Economics, 40 (2009): 203-218.

121.   Hu, Ruifa, Zhijian Yang, Peter Kelly andJikun Huang. 2009. Agricultural Extension System Reform and Agent TimeAllocation in China, China Economic Review, 20 (2009):303-315.

122.   Wang, Jinxia,Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle and Lijuan Zhang. 2009.The Impact of Climate Change on China’s Agriculture, Agricultural Economics,40 (2009): 323-337.

123.   Hu, Ruifa, Carl Pray, Jikun Huang, ScottRozelle, Chunhui Fan and Caiping Zhang. 2009. Reforming Intellectual PropertyRights and the Bt Cotton Seed Industry in China: Who Benefits from PolicyReform? Research Policy, Vol. 38, No. 5(2009): 793-801.

124.   Wang, Zijun, Hai Lin, Jikun Huang, RuifaHu, Scott Rozelle and Carl Pray. 2009. Bt Cotton in China: Are Secondary InsectInfestations Offsetting the Benefits in Farmer Fields? Agricultural Sciences in China,Vol. 8, No. 1 (2009): 83-90.

125.   Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, ScottRozelle, Qiuqiong Huang and Lijuan Zhang. 2009. Understanding the Water Crisisin Northern China: What the Government and Farmers are Doing, WaterResources Development, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2009): 141-158.

126.   Qiao, Fangbin, James Wilen, Jikun Huang,and Scott Rozelle. 2009. Dynamically optimal strategies for managing the jointresistance of pests to Bt toxin and conventional pesticides in a developingcountry, European Review of Agricultural Economics 36(2):253-279.

127.   Huang, Qiuqiong, Scott Rozelle, JinxiaWang and Jikun Huang. 2009. Water Management Institutional Reform: Arepresentative Look at Northern China, Agricultural Water Management,96(2009): 215-225.

128.   Qiu, Huanguang, Jikun Huang, MichielKeyzer and Wim van Veen. 2008. Policy Options for China’s Bio-ethanolDevelopment and the Implications for Its Agricultural Economy, China& World Economy, Vol. 16, No. 6(2008): 112-124.

129.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelleand Carl Pray. 2008. Genetically Modified Rice, Yields, and Pesticides:Assessing Farm-Level Productivity Effects in China, Economic Development and CulturalChange, Vol. 56, No. 2 (2008): 241-263.

130.   Jin, Songqing, Erika C H Meng, Ruifa Hu,Scott Rozelle and Jikun Huang. 2008. Contribution of Wheat Diversity to TotalFactor Productivity in China, Journal of Agricultural and ResourceEconomics, Vol. 33, No. 3 (2008): 449-472.

131.   Mi, Jianwei, JikunHuang, Jinxia Wang and Aditi Mukherj. 2008. Participants in GroundwaterMarkets: Who are Sellers? Journal of Natural Resources, Vol.23, No.6 (2008): 959-969.

132.   Yang, Jun, Huanguang Qiu, Jikun Huangand Scott Rozelle. 2008. Fighting Global Food Price Rises in the DevelopingWorld: the Response of China and Its Effect on Domestic and World Markets, AgriculturalEconomics, 39 (2008):453-464.

133.   Huang, Qiuqiong, Scott Rozelle, SiwaMsangi, Jinxia Wang and Jikun Huang. 2008. Water Management Reform and theChoice of Contractual form in China, Environment and Development Economics,13 (2008): 171-200.

134.   Liu, Yu, Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang andScott Rozelle. 2008. Determinants of Agricultural Water Saving TechnologyAdoption: an Empirical Study of 10 Provinces of China,Ecological Economy, Vol.4, No.4 (2008): 462-472.

135.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Jianmin Cao, andScott Rozelle. 2008. Training Programs and in –the –field Guidance to ReduceChina’s Overuse of Fertilizer Without Hurting Profitability, Journalof Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. 63, No. 5 (2008): 165-167.

136.   Huang, Jikun, Yunhua Wu, Huayong Zhi andScott Rozelle. 2008. Small Holder Incomes, Food Safety and Producing, andMarketing China’s Fruit, Review of Agricultural Economics,Vol. 30, No.3(2008): 469-479.

137.   Huang, Jikun, Huanguang Qiu and ScottRozelle. 2008. More Pain Ahead for China’s Food Prices, Far Eastern Economic Review,6(2008): 8-13.

138.   Huang, Jikun, Deliang Zhang, Jun Yang,Scott Rozelle and Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes. 2008. Will the Biosafety ProtocolHinder or Protect the Developing World: Learning from China’s Experience, FoodPolicy, 33 (2008): 1-12.

139.   Zhang, Lijuan,Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2008.Development of Groundwater Markets in China: A Glimpse into Progress to Date,World Development, Vil. 36, No. 4 (2008): 706-726.

140.   Huang, Jikun, Qi Zhang and ScottRozelle. 2008. Economic Growth, the Nature of Growth and Poverty Reduction inRural China, China Economic Journal, Vol.1, No.1 (2008): 107-122.

141.   Deng, Xiangzheng, Jikun Huang, ScottRozelle and Emi Uchida. 2008. Growth, Population and Industrialization andUrban Land Expansion of China, Journal of Urban Economics, 63(2008): 96-115.

142.   Huang, Jikun, Lifen Zhu and XiangzhengDeng. 2007. Regional Differences and Determinants of Build-up Area Expansion inChina, Science in China: Series D Earth Sciences, Vol. 50, No.12(2007): 1835-1843.

143.   Luo, Renfu, Linxiu Zhang, Jikun Huangand Scott Rozelle. 2007. Elections, Fiscal Reform and Public Goods Provision inRural China, Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(2007): 583-611.

144.   Qiu, Huanguang, Jun Yan, Jikun Huang andRuijian Chen. 2007. Impact of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area on China’sAgricultural International Trade and Its Regional Development in Agriculture,China & World Economy, Vol. 15, No.5 (2007): 77-90.

145.   Ma, Henyun, Allan N. Rae, Jikun Huang and ScottRozelle. 2007. EnhancingProductivity on Suburban Dairy Farms in China, Agricultural Economics,37(2007): 29-42.

146.   Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Zhigang Xu, ScottRozelle, Intizar Hussain and Eric Biltonen. 2007. Irrigation Management Reformsin the Yellow River Basin: Implications for Water Saving and Poverty, Irrigationand Drainage, 56(2007): 247-259.

147.   Huang, Jikun, Yang Jun, Zhigang Xu,Scott Rozelle and Ninghui Li. 2007. Agricultural Trade Liberalization andPoverty in China, China Economic Review 18 (2007):244-265.

148.   Hu, Ruifa, Jianmin Cao, Jikun Huang,Shaobing Peng, Jianliang Huang, Xuhua Zhong, Yingbin Zou, Jianchang Yang andRoland J. Buresh. 2007. Farmer Participatory Testing of Standard and ModifiedSite-specific Nitrogen Management for Irrigated Rice in China, AgriculturalSystems, 94 (2007): 331-340.

149.   Huang, Jikun, Jun Yang and ScottRozelle. 2007. When Dragons and Kangaroos Trade: China’s Rapid Economic Growthand its Implications for China and Australia, Farm Policy Journal, Vol.4, No. 1 (2007): 35-49.

150.   Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, ScottRozelle, Qiuqiong Huang and Amelia Blanke. 2007. Agriculture and GroundwaterDevelopment in Northern China: Trends, Institutional Responses, and PolicyOptions, Water Policy, 9 Supplement 1(2007) 61-74.

151.   Blanke, Amelia, Scott Rozelle, BryanLohmar, Jinxia Wang and Jikun Huang. 2007. Water Saving Technology and SavingWater in China, Agricultural Water Management, 87 (2007): 139-150.

152.   Rae, Allan N.,Hengyun Ma, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2006. Livestockin China: Commodity- Specific Total Factor Productivity Decomposition Using NewPanel Data, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 88,No.3(2006): 680-695.

153.   Wang, Jinxia,Zhigang Xu, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2006. Incentivesto Managers and Participation of Farmers: Which Matters for Water ManagementReform in China? Agricultural Economics, 34 (2006): 315-330.

154.   Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2006.The Emergence of Agricultural Commodity Markets in China, China Economic Review, 17 (2006): 266-280.

155.   Mohapatra, Sandeep, Scott Rozelle andJikun Huang. 2006. Climbing the Development Ladder: Economic Development andthe Evolution of Occupations in Rural China, Journal of Development Studies, Vol.42, No. 6 (2006): 1023-1055.

156.   Lin, William, Agapi Somwaru, FrancisTuan, Jikun Huang, and Junfei Bai. 2006. Consumer Attitudes toward BiotechFoods in China, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing,Vol.18, Nos. 1/2 (2006): 177-203.

157.   Hu, Ruifa, Jie Huang, Carl Pray andJikun Huang. 2006. The Determinants of Plant Variety Protection Applications inChina, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 11 (2006): 260-268.

158.   Deng, Xiangzheng, Jikun Huang, ScottRozelle and Emi Uchida. 2006. Cultivated Land Conversion and PotentialAgricultural Productivity in China, Land Use Policy, 23(2006): 372-384.

159.   Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle and HonglinWang. 2006. Fostering or Stripping Rural China: Modernizing Agriculture andRural to Urban Capital Flows, The Developing Economies,XLIV-1(2006): 1-26.

160.   Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, QiuqiongHuang and Scott Rozelle. 2006. Privatization of Tubewells in North China:Determinants and Impacts on Irrigated Area, Productivity and the Water Table,Hydrogeology Journal, 14 (2006): 275-285.

161.   Pray, Carl, Bharat Ramaswami, JikunHuang, Ruifa Hu, Prajakta Bengali and Huazhu Zhang. 2006. Costs and Enforcementof Biosafety Regulations in India and China, International Journal ofTechnology and Globalisation, Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2 (2006): 137-157.

162.   Fuller, Frank,Jikun Huang, Hengyun Ma and Scott Rozelle. 2006. Got milk?The rapid rise of China’s dairy sector and its future prospects, FoodPolicy, 31 (2006): 201-215.

163.   Huang, Jikun, Huanguang Qiu, Junfei Baiand Carl Pray. 2006. Awareness, Acceptance of and Willingness to buyGenetically Modified Foods in Urban China, Appetite, 46 (2006): 144-151.

164.   Ma, Hengyun, Jikun Huang,Frank Fuller and Scott Rozelle. 2006. Getting Rich and Eating Out:Consumption of Food Away From Home in Urban China, Canadian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics, Vol. 54, No.1 (2006): 101-119.

165.   Xu, Zhigang, Jintao Xu, Xiangzheng Deng,Jikun Huang, Emi Uchida and Scott Rozelle. 2006. Grain for Green versus Grain:Conflict between Food Security and Conservation Set-Aside in China,World Development, Vol. 34, No 1 (2006): 130-148.

166.   Huang, Qiuqiong, Scott Rozelle, BryanLohmar, Jikun Huang and Jinxia Wang. 2006. Irrigation, Agricultural Performanceand Poverty Reduction in China, Food Policy, 31 (2006): 32-52.

167.   Lin, William, AgapiSomwaru, Francis Tuan, Jikun Huang and Junfei Bei. 2006. Consumers’Willingness to Pay for Biotech Foods in China: A Contingent Valuation Approach,AgBioForum,Vol. 9, No. 3 (2006): 166-179.

168.   Huang, Jikun, LifenZhu, Xiangzheng Deng and Scott Rozelle. 2005. CultivatedLand Changes in China: the Impacts of Urbanization and Industrialization, Societyof Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 5884 (2005): 1-15.

169.   Wang, Jinxia,Zhigang Xu, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2005. Incentivesin Water Management Reform: Assessing the Effect on Water Use, Productivity andPoverty in the Yellow River Basin, Environment and Development Economics,10 (2005): 769-799.

170.   Huang, Qiuqiong, Scott Rozelle, DavidDawe, Jikun Huang and Jinxia Wang. 2005. Irrigation, Poverty and Inequality inRural China, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol.49, No. 2 (2005): 159 -175.

171.   Jin, Songqing, Scott Rozelle, JulianAlston and Jikun Huang. 2005. Economies of Scale and Scope and the EconomicEfficiency of China’s Agricultural Research System, International Economic Review,Vol. 46, No. 3 (2005): 1033-1057.

172.   Wang, Jinxia, JikunHuang and Scott Rozelle. 2005. Evolution of Tube well Ownershipand Production in the North China Plain, The Australian Journal of Agricultural andResource Economics, Vol. 49, No.2 (2005): 177-196.

173.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelleand Carl Pray. 2005. Insect-Resistant GM Rice in Farmer Fields: AssessingProductivity and Health Effects in China, Science, 308 (2005): 688-690.

174.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelleand Carl Pray. 2005. Debate overa GM Rice Trial in China: Responses, Science,310 (2005): 231-233.

175.   Rozelle, Scott,Jikun Huang and Keijiro Otsuka. 2005. The Engines of A ViableAgriculture: Advances in Biotechnology, Market Accessibility and Land Rentalsin Rural China, The China Journal, 53 (2005): 81-111.

176.   Li, Luping and Jikun Huang. 2005.China’s Accession to the WTO and Its Implications for the Fishery andAquaculture Sector, Aquaculture Economics & Management, 9 (2005): 195-215.

177.   Wang, Jinxia,Zhigang Xu, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2004. Incentivesin Water Management Reform: Case Study in the Yellow River Basin, WaterNepal, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2004): 103-130.

178.   Ma, Hengyun, JikunHuang and Scott Rozelle. 2004. Reassessing China's LivestockStatistics: Analyzing the Discrepancies and Creating New Data Series,Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 52, No.2 (2004):445-473.

179.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu and ScottRozelle. 2004. China’s Agricultural Research System and Reforms: Challenges andImplications for Developing Countries, Asian Journal of Agriculture andDevelopment, Vol.1, No. 1 (2004): 107-123.

180.   Ma, Hengyun, JikunHuang, Scott Rozelle and Allan Rae. 2004. Chinese AnimalProducts Consumption in the 1990s, Australian Journal of Agricultural andResource Economics, Vol. 48, No. 4(2004):569-590.

181.    deBrauw, Alan, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2004.The Sequencing of Reform Policies in China's Agricultural Transition, TheEconomics of Transition Vol.12, No.3 (2004): 427-465.

182.   Huang, Jikun, Xiangzheng Deng and ScottRozelle. 2004. Cultivated Land Conversion and Bioproductivity in China, Societyof Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 5544 (2004): 135-148.

183.    Anderson,Kym, Jikun Huang and Elena Ianchovichina. 2004. Will China’s WTO AccessionWorsen Farm Household Income? China Economic Review, Vol. 15(2004):443-456.

184.   Hossain, Ferdaus, Carl. E. Pray, YanmeiLu, Jikun Huang, Cunhui Fan and Ruifa Hu. 2004. GM cotton and farmer’s healthin China: an econometric analysis of the relationship between pesticidepoisoning and GM cotton use in China, International Journal ofOccupational and Environmental Health. Vol.10 (2004): 307-314.

185.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Hans vanMeijl, and Frank van Tongeren. 2004. BiotechnologyBoosts to Crop Productivity in China: Trade andWelfare Implications, Journal of Development Economics,Vol.75(2004):27-54.

186.   Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle and MinChang. 2004. Tracking Distortions in Agriculture: China and Its Accession tothe World Trade Organization, The World Bank Economic Review,Vol. 18, No.1 (2004): 59-84.

187.   Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2004.China Aggressively Pursuing Horticulture and Plant Biotechnology, CaliforniaAgriculture, Vol. 58, No. 2 (2004): 112-113.

188.   Zhang, Xiaobo, Shenggen Fan, LinxiuZhang and Jikun Huang. 2004. Local Governance and Public Goods Provision inRural China, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 88, No.12 (2004):2857-2871.

189.   Zhang, Linxiu, Jikun Huang and ScottRozelle. 2003. China’s War on Poverty: Assessing targeting and the GrowthImpact of Poverty Program, Journal of Chinese Economic and BusinessStudies, Vol.1, No.3 (2003): 299-315.

190.   Qiao, Fangbin, Bryan Lohmar, JikunHuang, Scott Rozelle and Linxin Zhang. 2003. Producer Benefits from Inputmarket and Trade Liberalization: The Case of Fertilize in China, AmericanJournal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 85, No. 5 (2003): 1223-1227.

191.   Huang, Jikun, Ninghui Li and ScottRozelle. 2003. Trade Reform, Household Effect, and Poverty in Rural China, AmericanJournal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 85, No. 5 (2003): 1292-1298.

192.   Huang, Jikun andQinfang Wang. 2003. Agricultural Biotechnology Development and Policy inChina, AgBioForum,Vol. 5, No. 4 (2003):122-135.

193.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Cuihui Fan, CarlE. Pray and Scott Rozelle, 2003. Bt Cotton Benefits, Costs, and Impacts inChina, AgBioForum, Vol.5, No.4 (2003): 153-166.

194.   Huang,Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray, Fangbin Qiao, and Scott Rozelle. 2003.Biotechnology as an Alternative to Chemical Pesticides: A Case Study of BtCotton in China, Agricultural Economics, 29(2003): 55-67.

195.   Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle and YupingXie. 2003. Distortion at the Border; Integration Inland: Assessing the Effectof WTO Accession on China's Agriculture, Journal of Chinese Economics andBusiness Studies, 1 (2003): 95-114.

196.    Gibson, John, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle.2003. Improving Estimates of Inequality and Poverty from Urban China'sHousehold Income and Expenditure Survey,The Review of Income and Wealth,Vol.49, No.1 (2003):53-68.

197.   Lohmar, Bryan, Jinxia Wang, ScottRozelle, Jikun Huang and David Dawe. 2003. China’s Agricultural Water PolicyReforms: Increasing Investment, Resolving Conflicts, and revising Incentives, EconomicResearch Service, Agriculture Information Bulletin, 782(2003).

198.   Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang, and VincentBenziger. 2003. Continuity and Change in China’s Rural Periodic Markets, The China Journal,49 (2003):89-116.

199.   Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2003.Trade Reform, WTO and China’s Food Economy in the 21st Century, PacificEconomic Review, Vol. 8, No. 2 (2003): 143-156.

200.   Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2003.The Impact of Trade Liberalization on China's Agriculture and Rural Economy, SAISReview, Vol. 23, No.1 (2003): 115-131.

201.   Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang and LinxiuZhang. 2002. Emerging Markets, Evolving Institutions and the NewOpportunities for Growth in China's Rural Economy, China Economic Review,123 (2002): 345-353.

202.   Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Carl Pray,and Qinfang Wang. 2002. Plant Biotechnology in China, Science, Vol.295, No. 25 (2002): 674-677.

203.   Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, and CarlPray. 2002. Enhancing the Crops to Feed the Poor, Nature, Vol.418, No. 8 (2002): 678-684.

204.   Pray, Carl, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, andScott Rozelle. 2002. Five Years of Bt Cotton in China: the Benefits Continue, PlantJournal, Vol. 31, No. 4 (2002): 423-430.

205.   Jin,Songqing, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Scott Rozelle. 2002. The Creation andSpread of Technology and Total Factor Productivity in China’s Agriculture. AmericanJournal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 84, No.4(2002): 916-930.

206.    Rozelle, Scott, Alan deBrauw, Linxiu Zhang, JikunHuang, and Yigang Zhang. 2002.TheEvolution of China's Rural Labor Markets during theReforms: Rapid, Accelerating, Transforming, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol.30, No.2 (2002): 329-353.

207.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelle, Fangbin Qiao, andCarl Pray. 2002. Transgenic Varietiesand Productivity of Smallholder Cotton Farmers in China, AustralianJournal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 46,No. 3 (2002): 367-387.

208.   Zhang, Linxiu, Jikun Huang and ScottRozelle. 2002. Employment, emerging labor markets, and the role of education inrural China, China Economic Review, 13 (2002): 313-328.

209.   deBrauw, Alan,Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, Linxiu Zhang and Yigang Zhang. 2002.China'sRural Labor Markets, The China Business Review, 3/4(2002): 2-8.

210.   Brandt, Loren,Jikun Huang, Guo Li and Scott Rozelle. 2002. LandRights in China: Facts, Fictions, and Issues, The China Journal, No.47 (2002): 67-97.

211.   Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Qinfang Wang,James Keeley and Jose Falck Zepeda. 2002. Agricultural BiotechnologyDevelopment, Policy and Impact in China, Economic and Political Weekly,Vol. 37, No. 27 (2002): 2756-2761.

212.   Park, Albert, HehuiJin, Scott Rozelle and Jikun Huang. 2002. Market Emergence andTransition: Arbitrage, Transition Costs, and Autarky in China’s Grain Market, AmericanJournal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.84, No.1 (2002): 67-82.

213.   Wang, Guo, Shaifeng Jia, Guirui Yu, JuanXu, Jinxia Wang, Qiufeng Wang, QuanshengGe, Jikun Huang, Jun Xia, Lijian Li, Desheng Jin,Suocheng Dong, Jinfeng Wang, Fanneg He, and Xueqin Zhang. 2001. New Progress ofResearch on Water Cycle in Atmosphere on China, Journal of GeographicalSciences, Vol.11, No.4(2001): 480-489.

214.   Huang, Jikun and HowarthBouis. 2001.Structural Changes in the Demand for Food in Asia: Empirical Evidence fromTaiwan, Agricultural Economics, 26(2001): 57-69.

215.   Pray, Carl, Danmeng Ma, Jikun Huang andFangbin Qiao. 2001. Impact of Bt Cotton in China, Crop Biotech Brief,Vol.1, No.5 (2001): 1-4.

216.   Zhang, Linxiu, Amelia Hughart, ScottRozelle and Jikun Huang. 2001. Off-farm Jobs and On-farm Work in Periods ofBoom and Bust in Rural China, Journal of Comparative Economics,29(2001):505-526.

217.   Gibson, John, Jikun Huang, and ScottRozelle. 2001. Why is Income Inequality So Low in China Compared to OtherCountries? The Effect of Household Survey Methods, Economics Letters, 71(2001): 329-333.

218.   Pray, Carl, Danmeng Ma, Jikun Huang andFangbin Qiao. 2001. Impact of Bt Cotton in China, World Development,Vo1.29 (2001):813-825.

219.   Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle and CarlPray. 2001. Biotechnology and Low-income Nations, with an Emphasis on China, Journalof Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 26, No.2 (2001): 555.

220.   Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, and LinxiuZhang. 2000. WTO and Agriculture: Radical Reforms or the Continuation ofGradual Transition, China Economic Review, 11(2000):397-401.

221.   Hu, Ruifa, Jikun Huang, Songqing Jin andScott Rozelle. 2000. Assessing the Contribution of Research System and CGGenetic Materials to the Total Factor Productivity of Rice in China, Journalof Rural Development, 23 (2000): 33:70.

222.   Rozelle, Scott and Jikun Huang. 2000.Transition, Development and the Supply of Wheat in China, AustralianJournal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 44(2000):543-571.

223.   deBrauw, Alan,Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2000. Responsiveness, Flexibility andMarket Liberalization in China's Agriculture, American Journal ofAgricultural Economics, 82 (2000): 1133-1139.

224.   Rozelle Scott, Albert Park, Jikun Huangand Hehui Jin. 2000. Bureaucrat to Entrepreneur: The Changing Role of the Statein China’s Grain Economy, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 48(2000): 227-252.

225.   Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, and MarkRosegrant. 1999. China’s Food Economy to the 21st Century: Supply, Demand andTrade, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 47 (1999):737-766.

226.   Jin, Songqing, Scott Rozelle and Jikun Huang,1999. Genetic Diversity and Total Factor Productivity: The Case of Wheat inChina, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 81, No.5(1999): 1318.

227.   Crook F, Rozelle S, Huang J, Diao XS, LiH, Li G, West L. 1999. Twenty Years of Rural Reform in China: Where Does PolicyStand? American Journal of Agricultural Economics,Vol. 81,No. 5(1999): 1279.

228.   Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 1998.Market Development and Food Consumption in Rural China, China EconomicReview, 9 (1998): 25-45.

229.   Widawsky,David, Scott Rozelle, S. Jin and Jikun Huang. 1998. Pesticide Productivity,Host-Plant Resistance and Productivity in China, Agricultural Economics,19 (1998): 203-217.

230.   Rozelle, Scott, Carl E. Pray and HuangJikun. 1997. Agricultural Research Policy in China: Testing the Limits ofCommercialization-led Reform, Comparative Economic Studies, 39(1997): 37-71.

231.   Rozelle,Scott, Albert Park, Jikun Huang and Hehui Jin. 1997. Liberalization and RuralMarket Integration in China, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(1997): 635-642.

232.   Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang and LinxiuZhang. 1997. Poverty, Population and Environmental Degradation in China, FoodPolicy, 22 (1997): 225-251.

233.   Rozelle, Scott, Greg Veeck and JikunHuang. 1997. The Impact of Environmental Degradation on Grain Production inChina, Economic Geography, 73 (1997): 44-66.

234.   Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 1996.Technological Change: The Re-Discovery of the Engine of Productivity Growth inChina's Rural Economy, Journal of Development Economics, 49(1996): 337-369.

235.   David, Cristina C. and Jikun Huang.1996. Political Economy of Rice Price Protection in Asia, EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change, 44 (1996): 463-483.

236.   Rozelle,Scott, Jikun Huang, and Mark Rosegrant. 1996. Why China Will NOT Starve theWorld, Choices, First Quarter (1996): 18-24.

237.   Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 1995.Environmental Stress and Grain Yields in China, American Journal ofAgricultural Economics, 77 (1995): 853-864.

238.   Rozelle,S, Tuan, F,Wailes, E, Carter, C, Zhong, FN, Wahl, T, Hong, QS, Crook, F, Park,A, Huang, JK, Johnson, DG. 1995. Marketing and Pricing Policies in China's FoodEconomy, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 77, No. 5(1995): 1357.

239.   Min,Shaokai, Xiong Zhengming and Jikun Huang. 1994. Rice Production and Consumptionin China, Grain Development, 50 (1994): 36-53.

240.   Huang,Jikun and Cristina C. David. 1993. Demand for Cereal Grains in Asia: the Effectof Urbanization, Agricultural Economics, 8 (1993): 107-124.

241.   Huang, Jikun, Cristina c. David, andBart Duff. 1991. Rice in Asia: Is It Becoming   An Inferior Good? Comment, American Journal of AgriculturalEconomics, 73 (1991): 515-521. 


II. Articles Published inChinese Journals

1.         Huang, Jikun, Shaoze Jin, Who WillCultivate the Farmland in the Future: Based on the Perspective ofIntergenerational Difference of Rural Labor Force Employment,Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, No. 1 (2015): 4-10.

2.         Liu, Ying, Jikun Huang and Jinxia Wang,The Impact of Water Pricing Policy on Water Use In Irrigation and Crop Income, ChinaEconomic Quarterly, No. 4 (2015): 1375-1392.

3.         Huang, Jikun, Dan Wang, Jiliang Hu, SomeReflections on Implementing Target Price Policy for Agricultural Products inChina: A Study Based on Cotton Target Price Pilot Reform in Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region, Chinese Rural Economy, No. 5(2015): 10-18.

4.         Peng, Bowen, Jikun Huang, ChineseConsumers’ Knowledge and Acceptances of Genetically Modified Food, AgriculturalEconomics and Management, No. 1 (2015): 33-39 turn to 63.

5.         Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Xiaobing Wang,Jinyang Cai, R&D Model on China’s  AgriculturalGM Technology and Policy Proposal on Science and Technology Reforms,Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, No. 1( 2014) : 4-10.

6.         Song, Chunxiao, Hengyun Ma, Jikun Huang,Jinxia Wang, Farmer’s Adaptation to Climate Change and its Impact on WheatIrrigation Efficiency: Based on the Research of Major Wheat Producing Areas ofFive Provinces in Eastern China, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics,No.2 (2014): 4-16.

7.         Wu, Shaohong, Jikun Huang, Yanhua Liu,Jiangbo Gao, Jun Yang, Wentao Wang, Yunhe Yin, Hao Huan, Wuanlu Dong, Pros andCons of Climate Change in China, China Population, Resources and Environment,No.1 (2014): 7-13.

8.         Zhang, Ziyun, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang,Agricultural Production’s Anti-frost Adaptation Measures: An Empirical Study ofthe Status and Determinants, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics,No. 9(2014): 4-13.

9.         Huang, Jikun, Jun Yang, Impacts ofCorn’s Technology Improvements on the Demand and Supply of Corn and other MajorAgricultural Products, Journal of Agro-Forestry Economics andManagement, No.2 (2014): 117-123.

10.     Liu, Ying, Guoxue Wei, Jikun Huang, AnEmpirical Analysis on RuralEnvironmental Kuznets Curve, Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 14 No.3(2014): 23-28.

11.     Ji, Xianqing, Jikun Huang, LiangliangGao, Can the Current Chinese Farmland Policy Effectively Restrain the LandAdjust: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Village Level Date, Journalof Agrotechnical Economics, No.10 (2014): 4-11.

12.     Ji, Xianqing, Jikun Huang, Evolution ofFarm Land Use Rights during Thirty Years of Reform in China: A ComparativeAnalysis of Policy Evolution and Its Implementation between 1978 and 2008, Issuesin Agricultural Economy, No. 5(2013): 27-32.

13.     Luan, Hao, Jun Yang, Jikun Huang, Impactof the US Carbon Tariff on China’s Emission   Reduction and Economic Development Under WageRigidity, Resources Science, Vol. 36, No.1 (2014)0120-0128.

14.     Zhang, Ziyun, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang,FrostPolicySupport and Farmers’ Adoption of Adaptation Measures, China Population, Resources andEnvironment, Vol.24, No.5 (2014) : 483-488.

15.     Gao, Liangliang, Jikun Huang, Xianqing Ji, The Impacts and Changes ofVillage’s Regulations on Cultivated Land Transfers among Households. ChineseRural Economy, No. 12 (2014): .

16.     Chen, Huang, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang,Determinants of farmers' adoption of adaptation measures against droughts, Journalof Economics of Water Resources, Vol. 31 No. 5(2013): 53-57.

17.      Chen,Huang, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang, Drought occurrencepolicy support and farmers’ adaptationmeasures, Journal of Economics of Water Resources, Vol. 31, No.6 (2013):50-53.

18.      Qiu,Huanguang, Yue Jing, Jun Yang, Jikun Huang, Shaopan Liao, Impacts of GlobalBiofuel Development on Consumers’ Welfare in China, China Population, Resources andEnvironment, No. 11 (2013): 147-152.

19.     Luan, Hao, Jun Yang, Jikun Huang, YeJiang, Meta-Analysis of Differences in Estimating the Impact of a Carbon Tax onChina's Economic Development, Resources Science, Vol. 35, No.5(2013): 958-965.

20.     Huang, Jikun. 2013. China’s AgriculturalDevelopment in the New Era: Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategies, Bulletinof Chinese Academy of Sciences,3 (2013): 295-300.

21.     Ji, Xianqing and Jikun Huang. 2013.Evolution of Farm Land Use Rights During Thirty Years of Reform in China: AComparative Analysis of Policy Evolution and Its Implementation between 1978and 2008, Issues in Agricultural Economy, 5(2013): 27-32.

22.     Liu, Ying, Jikun Huang. 2013. EmpiricalAnalysis on Sustainable of Rural Environment:  A Case Study on the Returning of Farmer’sOrganic Waste to Fields, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics,7 (2013): 4-10.

23.     Huang, Jikun. 2013. China’s FoodSecurity in the Era of Unbalanced Demand and Supply of Agricultural Products, Journalof Jiangxi Agricultural University, 1 (2013): 1-3.

24.     Huang, Jikun. 2013. DeepeningAgricultural Science and Technology System Reform and Improving its InnovationCapacity, Agricultural Economics and Management, 2 (2013): 5-8.

25.     Luan, Hao, Jun Yang, Jikun Huang and YeJiang. 2013. Determinants of the Evaluation Variance of Impact on China’sExport by Carbon Tariffs, China Population, Resources and Environment,Vol. 23, No. 3 (2013): 125-131.

26.     Huang, Jikun and Xianqing Ji. 2012. TheVerification of the Right to Use Farmland and Farmers’ Long-term Investment inFarmland, Management World, 9 (2012): 76-81-99.

27.     Zhao, Qiguo, Jikun Huang, and ZengqiangDuan. 2012. Proposals on Connotation, Mode, Research and Development ofEcological High-value Agriculture of China, Soils, Vol. 44, No. 5 (2012):705-711.

28.     Li, Zuowen, Jikun Huang, Xiangping Jia,Hao Luan, and Cheng Xiang. 2012. The Impact of Micro-credit to Farmer’sLivestock and Poultry Farming in the Poor Area, Journal of AgrotechnicalEconomics,11 (2012): 4-9.

29.     Chen, Huang, JinxiaWang, and Jikun Huang. 2012. Evaluation of Drought ResistingEffects of Rural Irrigation Infrastructure: Based on Empirical Study in SevenProvinces in China, Journal of Natural Resources, 10 (2012): 1656-1665.

30.     Xiang, Cheng, Xiangping Jia, JikunHuang, Ruifa Hu, Fusuo Zhang, and Zhenling Cui. 2012. The Impact ofAgricultural Technical Training on Farmer’s Behavior of Nitrogen FertilizerApplication: Empirical Research Based on Maize Production in Shouguang City,Shandong Province, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 9 (2012): 4-10.

31.     Zhao, Qiguo and Jikun Huang. 2012.Development Trends of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies and StrategicOptions toward 2020. Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Vol. 21, No. 3 (2012): 397-403.

32.     Wu, Yunhua, Jikun Huang and QizhaorigetuSi. 2012. Empirical Analysis of the Impacts of Melamine Mile Scandal on DairyFarmers’ Marketing and Food Safety in Inner Mongolia, China, ChineseJournal of Animal Science, Vol. 48, No. 14 (2012):53-58.

33.     Huang, Jikun, Jun Yang and HuanguangQiu. 2012. Reflections on the National Food Security Strategies and Policies inNew Era, Issues in Agricultural Economy, 3 (2012): 4-8.

34.     Guo, Shijing, Zhigang Xu and JikunHuang. 2012. Potential Benefits of the Application of Transgenic Technology:Based on the Field Survey of Five Provinces in China, Journal of AgrotechnicalEconomics, 1 (2012): 22-28.

35.     Huang, Jikun, Jun Yang and HuanguangQiu. 2012. Reflections on the National Food Security Strategies and Policies inNew Era, Issues in Agricultural Economy,3 (2012): 4-8.

36.     Guo, Shijing, Zhigang Xu and JikunHuang. 2012. Potential Benefits of the Application of Transgenic Technology:Based on the Field Survey of Five Provinces in China, Journal of AgrotechnicalEconomics, 1 (2012): 22-28.

37.     Huang, Jikun, Xiaobing Wang, Huayong Zhiand Zhurong Huang. 2011. Direct Subsidies for Grain and Comprehensive Subsidiesfor Agricultural Production Inputs and Their Impact on Agricultural Production,Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 1 (2011): 4-12.

38.     Yang, Jun, Jikun Huang, Ming Li andQiang Shang. 2011. Analysis and Policy Suggestions: China’s Money Supply andImpact on the Price of Agricultural Products, Rural Finance Research,12(2011): 58-61.

39.     Yang, Jun, Jikun Huang, Huanguang Qiu,and Qiang Shang. 2011. The Influence of Foreign Agricultural Products’ PriceChange to Domestic Price, China Finance, 22 (2011): 62-63.

40.     Yang, Jun, Jikun Huang, Qiang Shang, HuanguangQiu, 2011. Analyses on Food Price, Non-food Price, and Consumer Price Index(CPI) in China, Rural Finance Research, No.8 (2011), pp: 5-7.

41.     Luo, Renfu, Linxiu Zhang, Qiran Zhao andJikun Huang. 2011. Trends on Public Infrastructure and Public InvestmentPriority in Rural China, China Soft Science, 9 (2011): 30-40.

42.     Gao, Liangliang,Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle and Zhigang Xu. 2011. Emerging RentalMarkets and Investment in Agricultural Land in China, China Economic Quarterly,Vol. 10 No. 4(2011), pp: 1499-1514.

43.     Deng, Hengshan, Zhigang Xu, Jikun Huangand Yiqing Song. 2011. The Role of Potential Profit in the Formation andDevelopment Farmers’ Professional Cooperatives, China Economic Quarterly,Vol. 10, No. 4(2011): 1515-1532.

44.     Mi, Jianwei, JikunHuang, Ruifa Hu, Zijun Wang and Ruijian Chen. 2011. RelationshipBetween Promoting Use of Pest Resistant Transgenic Cotton and Harm of MinorPests: Empirical Studies Based on Micri Household Survey, Journal of AgrotechnicalEconomics, 9 (2011): 4-12.

45.     Wu, Weiguang, Jikun Huang. 2011.Potential and Determinants of Jatropha Curcas as Feedstocks for Biodiesel inSouthwest China, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 3 (2011):299-311.

46.     Gao, Liangliang, Jikun Huang. 2011.Farmers’ Households’ Different Long-term Investments in Different Types ofRental Cultivated Land in China, Chinese Rural Economy, 4 (2011):9-17.

47.     Hu, Ruifa, Jikun Huang. 2011. TheDevelopment and Reform of Agricultural Research System : Policy Evaluation andRecommendations, Science and Society, 3 (2011): 34-40-16.

48.     Xu, Zhigang, SenZhang, Hengshan Deng, Jikun Huang. 2011. Is Social Trusta Prerequisite for the Emerging, Exit and Development of Farmer ProfessionalCooperatives? —Evidence from the Development of Farmer ProfessionalCooperatives in China, China Soft Science, 1 (2011): 47-58.

49.     Huang, Jikun, Zhigang Xu, Ruifa Hu andShihuang Zhang. 2010. China’s Seed Industry: Achievement, Problems andDevelopment Strategies, Agricultural Economics and management, 3(2010):5-10.

50.     Hu, Ruifa, Jikun Huang and Cheng Xiang.2010. China’s Seed Industry: Development, Challenge and Policy, Forumon Science and Technology in China, 12 (2010): 123-128.

51.     Wu, Weiguang andJikun Huang. 2010.An Analysis of the Economic Feasibility of Planting Jatropha Curcas as RawMaterial for Forestry Bio-Diesel, Chinese Rural Economy, 7 (2010):56-63.

52.     Huang, Jikun. 2010. Research Frontiersof Agricultural Economy and Policy Studies from the Perspective of Supply andDemand of Agricultural Commodities, Economic Survey,3(2010):1-7.

53.     Huang, Jikun,Hengshan Deng and Zhigang Xu. 2010. The Service Function andDeterminants of Farmers’ Professional Cooperatives in China, ManagementWorld, 5 (2010): 75-81.

54.     Huang, Jikun, Jianwei Mi, Hai Lin, ZijunWang, Ruijian Chen, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelle and Pray Carl. 2010. A Decade of BtCotton in Farmer Fields in China: Assessing the Direct Effects and IndirectExternalities of Bt Cotton Adoption in China. Scientia Sinica Vitae,Vol. 40, No.3 (2010): 260-272.

55.     Wu, Yunhua, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelleand Xiaoxia Dong. 2010. The Relationship between Fruit Retail Market and theTraditional Wholesale Market: A Case Study in Shandong, Food and Nutrition in China,1 (2010): 47-51.

56.     Liu, Ying and Jikun Huang. 2010. AMulti- objective Decision Model of Farmers’ Crop Production, EconomicResearch Journal, 1 (2010):148-157-160.

57.     Huang, Jikun. 2010. Sixty Years ofChina’s Agricultural Development and Three Decades of the Reform Miracle:Institutional Innovation, Technological Advancement and Market Reforms, Journalof Agrotechnical Economics, 1(2010): 4-18.

58.     Huang, Jikun, Huanguang Qiu, MichielKeyzer, Erika Meng and Wim van Veen. 2009. Impacts of Bioethanol Development onChina’s Regional Agricultural Development, China Economic Quarterly, Vol. 8,No. 2(2009): 727-742.

59.     Liu, Yu, JikunHuang and Jun Yang. 2009. The Impact of New Round Duoha TradeLiberalization on Chinese Agriculture, Issues in Agricultural Economy,9(2009): 16-23.

60.     Hu, Ruifa, Qin Liangand Jikun Huang. 2009. Private Agricultural Research Investments inChina: Current Situation and Past Trend, China Soft Science, 7 (2009): 28-34.

61.     Wu, Weiguang, JikunHuang and Xiangzheng Deng. 2009. Potential Land for Plantation of JatrphaCurcas as Feedstock for Biodiesel in China, Science China: Earth Sciences,Vol. 39, No. 12 (2009): 1-9.

62.     Liu, Yu, Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang andScott Rozelle. 2009. Determinants of Adoption of Agricultural Water SavingTechnologies, Empirical Research in 10 Provinces, Water Saving Irrigation,10(2009): 1-5.

63.     Chen, Ruijian,Jikun Huang, Jianwei Mi and Zijun Wang. 2009. CommercialReform in China’s Seed Industry: Perspective from Cotton Seed Market andFarmers’ Market Participation, China Soft Science, 5 (2009): 16-23.

64.     Yang, Kun and JikunHuang. 2009.The Impacts of Price Fluctuation of Energy and Grain on the Relation betweenUrban and Rural Economy, Chinese Rural Economy,5 (2009):14-25.

65.     Wang, Jinxia, Lijuan Zhang, Jikun Huangand Scott Rozelle. 2009. The Adoption of Conservation Agricultural Technologyin the Yellow River Basin: Empirical Research on the Influential Factors, ResourcesScience, Vol.31, No. 4 (2009): 641-647.

66.     Wu, Yunhua, Jikun Huang and ScottRozelle. 2009. Empirical Analysis of Major Determinants of Farmers’ Fruitmarketing Channels, Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice, Vol. 29, No.4(2009): 58-67.

67.     Wu, Weiguang, Huanguang Qiu and JikunHuang. 2009. Bio-ethanol Development: Current status, Potential Impacts andPolicy Suggestions for China, China Soft Science, 3 (2009):23-29-38.

68.     Qiu, Huanguang, Jun Yang and JikunHuang. 2009. The Development of Bio-fuel Ethanol and Impact Analysis on theRecent Food Price Rising, Issues in Agricultural Economy, Vol.30, No. 1 (2009): 80-85.

69.     Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu and Huayong Zhi.2009. 30 Years’ Development and Reform for the Grass- roots AgriculturalTechnology Extension System: Policy Assessments and Recommendations, Journalof Agrotechnical Economics, 1 (2009): 4-10.

70.     Huang, Jikun, Jun Yang, Huanguang Qiuand Zhigang Xu. 2009. The Great Ups and Downs of Grain Prices of this Round:the Main Reasons and the Future Trend,Management World, 1 (2009): 72-78.

71.     Yang, Jun, Huanguang Qiu, Jikun Huang.2008. The Impacts of Biofuel Development on China's Agricultural Developmentand Food Security, Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,4(2008):1-4.

72.     Shi, Kuanyu, Ruifa Hu, Jikun Huang,Shibao Li and Ning Xu. 2008. The Funding and Sources of Funding in China’sPublic Agricultural Research System and their Variations among Regions afterthe Recent Reform, China Soft Science, 11 (2008): 79-84.

73.     Qiu, Huanguang and Jikun Huang. 2008,Impacts of Bio-ethanol Development on China's Agricultural Economy, InternalEdition of Chinese Social Science, 5 (2008):142-153.

74.     Wang, Jinxia, JikunHuang, Lijuan Zhang and Scott Rozelle. 2008, Farmers’response to water shortage in North China, Journal of Economics of Water Resources,Vol. 26, No. 5 (2008): 1-3-23.

75.     Yang, Jun, Jikun Huang, Huanguang Qiuand Yu Liu. 2008, Economic Impact Assessment on China’s Export Embargo ofTransgenic Rice, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 5 (2008): 31-37.

76.     Huang, Jikun, Liang Qi, Ruijian Chen.2008. The Knowledge and Information of Technology, Risks Aversion and Farmers’Pesticide Uses in China, Management World,5 (2008): 71-76.

77.     Huang, Jikun, Yu Liu, Will Martin, ScottRozelle and Jun Yang. 2008. China’s Agricultural Distortion and Its Integrationinto the World Market, The Journal of World Economy, Vol.31, No. 4 (2008): 3-10.

78.     Wu, Yunhua, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelleand Zhijian Yang. 2007. The Rise of Dairy Processing Firms and FarmersParticipation in Dairy Farming, Issues in Agricultural Economy, 12(2007): 62-69.

79.     Huang, Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 2007. Impactsof GM Rice on Productivity and Farmers’ Health, Science Focus, Vol. 2,No. 6 (2007): 42.

80.     Zhang, Qi, JianweiMi and Jikun Huang. 2007. Income Mobility and Income DistributionEvidence from Rural China, Economic Research Journal, Vol. 42,No. 11 (2007): 123-138.

81.     Huang, Jikun, Lifen Zhu and XiangzhengDeng. 2007. Regional Differences and Determinants of Build-up Area Expansion inChina, Science in China: Series D Earth Sciences, Vol. 37, No.9 (2007):1235-1241.

82.     Liu, Ying, Jikun Huang and Jinxia Wang.2007. Errors in Aggregation in Linear Programming in a ProductionDecision-making Model of a Farm Household, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics,5 (2007): 10-14.

83.     Qiu, Huanguang, Jun Yan and Jikun Huang.2007. The Impact of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area on China’s AgriculturalInternational Trade and Its Regional Development in Agriculture,Management World,9 (2007): 56-61.

84.     Zhi, Huayong, Jikun Huang and DeliangZhang. 2007. The Effect of the Public Investment on the performance ofGrass-root Agricultural Technicians under Different Management Systems, ManagementWorld, 7(2007): 66-74.

85.     Huang, Jikun, XianfangNiu, HuayongZhiand Xiaoxia Dong. 2007. The Analysis of the Factors Affecting VegetableProduction and Readjustment of Planting Structure, Issues in Agricultural Economy,7 (2007): 4-10.

86.     Qiu, Huanguang, Jikun Huang and JunYang. 2007. Consumers’ Trust in Government and its Impact on Their Acceptancetoward Genetically Modified Food, Economic Research Journal, Vol. 42,No.6 (2007): 65-74.

87.     Huang, Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 2007. Impactsof GM Rice on rice Farmers, Journal of Agricultural Science andTechnology, Vol. 9, No.3 (2007): 13-17.

88.     Zhu, Lifeng and Jikun Huang. 2007.Regional Differences in Land Use Modes During Urban and Rural Development inChina and Analysis of the Causal Factors, Chinese Rural Economy, 3 (2007):4-12.

89.     Qiu, Huanguang, Jikun Huang and JunYang. 2007. Discussions on the Studies of Consumers’ Attitudes towardsGenetically Modified Technology and Foods, Forum on Science and Technology in China,3 (2007): 105-108.

90.     Zhu, Lifen andJikun Huang. 2007.Urbanization and Cultivated Land Changes in China, Economic Research Journal,Vol. 42, No. 2 (2007): 137-145.

91.     Hu, Ruifa, Kuanyu Shi, Yongwei Cui andJikun Huang. 2007. Change in China’s Agricultural Research Investment and ItsInternational Comparison, China Soft Science, 2 (2007):53-58-65.

92.     Huang, Jikun , Hai Lin, Ruifa Hu, ScottRozelle and Carl Pray. 2007. Impacts of Adoption of Genetically-modifiedInsect-Resistant Cotton on Usage of Pesticides Targeting at Less-dangerousInsects, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 1 (2007): 4-12.

93.     Huang, Jikun and Jun Yang, 2006. China’sRapid Economic Growth and Its Implications for Agriculture and Food Security inChina and the Rest of World, Bulletin of Chinese Academy of sciences,Vol. 21, No. 2 (2006): 106-112.

94.     Huang, Jikun, Huanguang Qiu, Junfei Baiand Carl Pray. 2006. Awareness, Acceptance and Willingness to Buy GeneticallyModified Foods in Urban China, China Soft Science, 2 (2006):61-67.

95.     Huang, Jikun and Jun Yang. 2006. China’sRapid Growth, the Security of Food and Energy, and World Economic Development, ManagementWorld, 1 (2006): 67-74.

96.     Hu, Ruifa, Jie Huang, Carl Pray andJikun Huang. 2006. Impacts of Plant Breeder Rights on Rice Seed Prices andVariety Adoption In China, China Soft Science, 1 (2006):49-56.

97.     Dong, Xiaoxia, Jikun Huang, ScottRozelle and Honglin Wang. 2006. The Development of Supermarkets in GreaterBeijing and Features of Farmers’ Households’ Production and Sale of TheirFruits and Vegetables in the Surrounding Areas, Chinese Rural Economy,11 (2006): 9-16.

98.     Dong, Xiaoxia, Jikun Huang, ScottRozelle and Honglin Wang. 2006. The Geographical Location, TransportationInfrastructure and Adjustment of Crop Production Structure, ManagementWorld, 9 (2006): 59-63-79.

99.     Luo, Renfu, Linxiu Zhang, Jikun Huang,Scott Rozelle and Chengfang Liu. 2006. Direct Election, Rural Tax Reform andPublic Goods Provision in Rural China, China Economic Quarterly, Vol. 5,No.4 (2006): 1295-1310.

100.  Cao,Jianmin, Ruifa Hu and Jikun Huang. 2005. Farmers’ Intention to ParticipateScientific Research and Its Determinants, Chinese Rural Economy, 10 (2005):28-35.

101.  Rozelle,Scott, Jikun Huang. 2005. China’s Rural Economy and the Path to a ModernIndustrial State, China Economic Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 4 (2005): 1019-1042.

102.  Huang,Jikun, Zhigang Xu, Ninghui Li and Scott Rozelle. 2005. Trade Liberalization andChinese Agriculture, Poverty and Equality, Issues in Agricultural Economy,7(2005):9-14.

103.  Zhang, Lijuan, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang and ScottRozelle. 2005.Development and Determinants of Groundwater Markets: Case Study in North China,Journalof South China Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), Vol.4,No.3(2005): 1-6.

104.  Cao,Jianmin, Ruifa Hu and Jikun Huang. 2005. Agricultural Technology Extension andFarmers’ Modification of New Technology: Factors Affecting Farmers’Participating in Technologies Training and Their Willingness to Adopt, ChinaSoft Science,6 (2005): 60-66.

105.  Huang,Jie, Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray and Jikun Huang. 2005. Application for Protection ofNew Plant Variety in China and the Determinant Factors, Chinese Rural Economy,5(2005): 47-53.

106.  Deng, Xiangzheng, Scott Rozelle and Jikun Huang. 2005.Change of Cultivated Land and Its Impacts on Agricultural Bioproductivity inChina: Implications to National Grain Security, China Soft Science,173(2005): 65-70.

107.  Huang,Jikun, Zhigang Xu, Ninghui Li and Scott Rozelle. 2005. A New Round of TradeLiberalization, China’s Agriculture, Poverty and Environment, Bulletin ofNational Natural Science Foundation of China, Vol. 19, No.3 (2005):142-146.

108.  Huang, Jikun, Jun Yang, Frank van Tongeren and Hans vanMeijl. 2005.The Impacts of Global Trade Liberalization on China and World Economy, Progressin Geography, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2005): 1-10.

109.  Yang,Jun, Jikun Huang and Huanguang Qiu. 2005. The Economic Impact of Free TradeArea between China and Australia, Journal of International Trade, 3(2005): 65-71.

110.  Yang, Jun, Jikun Huang and Haisen Zhang. 2005.The Economic Impacts and Policy Implications of Phasing out MFA and PossibleFollowing Policy Arrangements, Management World, 3 (2005): 67-74.

111.  Wang, Jinxia, Zhigang Xu, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2005.Water Management Reform, Agricultural Production and Poverty Reduction,China Economic Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2005): 189-202.

112.  Xu, Zhigang, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2004.Water Management Reform, Incentives and Efficiency: Empirical Analysis onAgricultural Water Management Reform in Yellow River Basin, China Agricultural EconomicReview, 2004 Vol.2, No. 4 (2004): 415-426.

113.  Liao,Yongsong and Jikun Huang. 2004. Impact of Crop Structure Change on IrrigationWater Demand in the Basins of Yangtze River, Huaihe River and Haihe River, Journalof China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Vol. 2,No.3 (2004): 184-188.

114.  Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2004.  Incentive, Participation of Farmers and WaterSavings: Empirical Research on the Reform of Water Management Institution inthe Irrigation Districts of the Yellow River Basin, China Soft Science,167(2004): 8-14.

115.  Hu,Ruifa, Jikun Huang and Liqiu Li. 2004. China’s Agricultural TechnologyExtension: Current Status, Issues and Policies, Internal Policy Inside, 827(2004): 16-25.

116.  Huang,Jikun. 2004. Some Issues on China’s Food Security, Chinese Rural Economy,10 (2004): 4-10.

117.  Su,Yuejing, Ruifa Hu, Jikun Huang and Cunhui Fan. 2004. The Determinants of FarmerBt- Cotton Technology Adoption Behavior in China, Cotton Science,Vol.16, No.5 (2004): 259-264.

118.  Brandt, Loren, Guo Li, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2004.Land Tenure and Transfer Rights in China: An Assessment of the Issues, ChinaEconomic Quarterly, Vol.3, No.4 (2004): 951-982.

119.  Huang,Jikun. 2004. Is China’s Grain Security Facing Great Challenge? Science& Technology Review, 9 (2004): 17-18.

120.  Huang,Jikun, 2004. The Past and Future of China’s Agriculture, ManagementWorld,3 (2004): 95-105.

121.  Liao,Yongsong and Jikun Huang. 2004. A Simulation Model for Water and AgriculturalPolicy Analysis in China, Water Issue Forum, 1 (2004): 13-17.

122.  Liao,Yongsong and Jikun Huang. 2004. A Projection Analysis of the Grain Demand inthe Nine Major Chinese River Basins in the 21st Century, South-to-NorthWater Transfers and Water Science & Technology, Vol.2, No.1 (2004):29-32.

123.  Wang, Jinxia and Jikun Huang. 2004. WaterIssues in the Fuyang River Basin, Journal of Natural Resources(ZiranZiyuanXuebao), Vol. 19, No.4 (2004): 424-429.

124.  Fan,Cunhui and Jikun Huang. 2004. Methodologies and Applications on the EconomicImpacts of Biotechnology, Nanjing Business Review, 2 (2004):167-177.

125.  Hu, Ruifa, Jikun Huang, Liqiu Li. 2004. Issuesof Agricultural Technology Extension System: Survey from 28 Counties in 7Provinces, China Agricultural Technology Extension,3 (2004): 6-8.

126.  Fan,Cunhui and Jikun Huang. 2004. Methodologies and Applications on the EconomicImpact Assessments of Biotechnology, China Rural Survey,1 (2004):28-34.

127.  Xu, Zhigang, Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2004.The Systematic Reform of Agriculture Water Management in the Yellow RiverValley Irrigated Area: Present State and System, Reform,3 (2004):59-64.

128.  Hu,Ruifa, Jikun Huang and Qiu Li. 2004. Popularization of Agricultural Technologyin China: the Status Quo, Problems and Relative Policies, Management World,5 (2004): 50-57.

129.  Li,Luping and Jikun Huang. 2004. Transformation of China’s Fishery Economy and Policyin the New Era, Chinese Fisheries Economics, 3 (2004): 19-21.

130.  Huang,Jikun and Ninghui Li. 2003. China’s Agricultural Policy Simulation andProjection Model: CAPSiM, Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science Edition), Vol. 3, No. 2 (2003): 30-41.

131.  Zhang,Xiaobo, Shenggen Fan, Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang. 2003. Village Election andPublic Service, China Economic Quarterly, Vol.2, No.4 (2003):947-660.

132.  Huang,Jikun, 2003. Structure of Chinese Rural Development in the Future, InsideViews,12 (2003):15-20.

133.  Han,Zheng, Jikun Huang. 2003. A Study on the Statistical Errors of the Number ofEmployees Working in Collectively, Journal of South China AgriculturalUniversity (Social Science Edition),1 (2003): 1-8.

134.  Yu, Hai, Jikun Huang, Soctt Rozelle, Loren Brandt. 2003.Soil Fertility Changes of Cultivated Land in Eastern China, GeographicalResearch, Vol.22, No.3 (2003): 380-388.

135.  Yu, Hai, Jikun Huang, scott Rozelle and Loren Brandt. 2003.Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Soil Fertility over Time, ResourcesScience, Vol.25, No.2 (2003): 63-72.

136.  Huang,Jikun. 2003. China’s Agricultural Developments and Outlook, ManagementReview, Vol.15, No.1 (2003): 17-21.

137.  Hu,Ruifa, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2002. Genetic Uniformity and Its Impactson Wheat Yield in China, Scientia Agricultura Sinica, Vol.35,No.12 (2002): 1442-1449.

138.  Huang,Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Yuping Xie and Min Zhang. 2002. The Impact of China’s WTOAccession on Its Agriculture, Management World, 9 (2002): 95-114.

139.  Zhang,Caiping and Jikun Huang. 2002. Policy Options on Agricultural BiotechnologyR&D, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics,3 (2002): 23-28.

140.  Huang,Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 2002. Agricultural Structure Changes and Public Investmentin Agricultural Research in China, Journal of South China AgriculturalUniversity, Social Science Edition, Vol.1, No.1 (2002): 28-33.

141.  Huang,Jikun, 2002. Re-Assess the Impact of China’s WTO accession on Its Agriculture, IndustrialEconomics Research, Vol.1, No.1 (2002): 34-39.

142.  Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Hans van Meijl, Frank vanTongeren. 2002.Impacts of Agricultural Biotechnology on China's Economy and World Trade, China'sScience Foundation,6(2002): 324-329.

143.  Huang, Jikun and Hengyun Ma. 2002. Policieson China's Agricultural Integrated Development after Its WTO Accession, EconomicPapers (Theoretical Edition), 12 (2002): 25-32.

144.  Wang, Jinxia and Jikun Huang. 2002.Enlightenment of Experience of Water Right Trade Abroad, Journal ofAgrotechnical Economics, 5 (2002): 56-62.

145.  Fan,Cunhui, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Caiping Zhang. 2002. The Impacts of Bt Cottonon Pesticide Use in China, China Rural Survey, 5 (2002): 2-10/16.

146.  Hu, Ruifa and Jikun Huang. 2002. Land andlabor Resources and China's Agricultural Technology Development, Impactof Science on Society, 2 (2002):30-36.

147.  Park,Albert, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2002. China’s Grain Market Developmentand Integration, China Rural Survey, 1 (2002): 2-14.

148.  Huang,Jikun. 2002. China Joining WTO and Agriculture Sustainable Development, EnvironmentalProtection, 3 (2002): 41-44.

149.  Huang,Jikun. 2002. China's Soybean: Where to Go from Here? China's AgriculturalOutlook, 2/3 (2002): 27-30.

150.  Lu,Rong, Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang. 2002. Analysis of Technical EfficiencyFactors of Township-Village Enterprises in China, Journal ofAgrotechnical Economics, 1 (2002): 18-22.

151.  Wang, Jinxia and Jikun Huang. 2002. Efficiencyof Underground Irrigation System in North China, The Progress on WaterSciences, Vol.13, No.2 (2002): 259-263.

152.  Huang,Jikun. 2001. China's National Decision Support System under Globalization, China'sSciences Foundation, Special Issue (2001): 118-119.

153.  Hu, Ruifa and Jikun Huang. 2001. FactorInput Structure Changes and Technology Development in China’s Agriculture, ChinaRural Survey, 6(2001): 9-16.

154.  Wang, Dewen and Jikun Huang. 2001. DoubleTracks System and China's Grain Market Stability, Management World,3(2001):127-134.

155.  Wang, Dewen and Jikun Huang. 2001. EndingChina's Grain Market Double Tracks System, Reform Reference,11(2001):2-6.

156.  Wang, Li., Ruifa Hu, Jikun huang and Scott Rozelle, 2001.SoybeanGenetic Diversity and Production in China, Scientia Agricultura Sinica,Vol.34, No.6 (2001):604-609.

157.  Wang, Dewen and Jikun Huang. 2001. AnAnalysis of China's Farmers Grain Supply Impacts under the Duel Price System, EconomicResearch Journal, 12 (2001): 55-65.

158.  Zhang, Yingding, Qinfang Wang and Jikun Huang, 2001. GlobalBiotech Development and Policy Options: Implications to China's AgriculturalBiotechnology, China's Agricultural Sciences Bulletin, Vol.3,No.6 (2001).

159.  He,Lingyun and Jikun Huang, 2001. On the Stability of Land Using Right and theInput of Fertilizer: A Positive Study in Guangdong, China Rural Survey,5 (2001): 42-48.

160.  Wang, Dewen and Jikun Huang. 2001. Reform ofChina's Grain Marketing System: from Double Track Transition to Liberalization,Reform, 4 (2001): 99-106.

161.  Hu, Ruifa and Jikun Huang. 2001.Agricultural Technology Extension Investment and Its Impact in China, Strategyand Management, 3 (2001): 25-31.

162.  Huang, Jikun and Zhigang Xu, and Hengyun Ma. 2001. ComparativeAdvantage and Agricultural Structure Changes in China's Grain-cotton ProductionZone, Industrial Economic Research, 1 (2001): 8-16.

163.  Ma, Hengyun, Jikun Huang and Dinghuan Hu. 2001. APositive Study on Away-from-Home Food Consumption of Rural Residents in China, ChineseRural Economy, 3 (2001): 25-32.

164.  Huang,Jikun, Geng Xia, Chaochao Zhang, Hengyun Ma and Zhenyu Sun. 2001. Study onCountermeasures for Agricultural Comprehensive Exploration in China afterJoining in WTO, Problems of Agricultural Economy,3 (2001): 10-14.

165.  Huang,Jikun. 2001. Comments on Grain Production Fall in 2000, Reform Reference,1(2001): 15-17.

166.  Huang,Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 2001. Government Public Investment: A Primary Source ofAgricultural R&D, Xinhua Wenzhai (Xinhua Abstract), 5 (2001):154-156.

167.  Huang,Jikun, 2001. Trade Liberalization, WTO and China's Agricultural Development, ScientiaAgricultura Sinica, 34 (2001): 33-38.

168.  Huang,Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 2000. China's Agricultural Research Investment and Reform, ChinaRural Survey, 5 (2000): 8-29.

169.  Huang,Jikun. 2000. Reconsidering the Impacts of China's Joining WTO on ItsAgriculture, International Trade, 11 (2000): 36-39.

170.  Huang,Jikun. 2000. Trade Liberalization, WTO and China's Agricultural Development, FujianJournal of Agricultural Sciences, 15 (2000): 37-41.

171.  Su,Jun, Jikun Huang. 2000. Analysis of Economic Benefit of Bt Cotton, Journalof Agrotechnical Economics,5 (2000): 26-31.

172.  Huang,Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 2000. China’s Agricultural Research Investment: Return,Welfare Distribution and Policy Implications, China Soft Science,117 (2000):21-24.

173.  Hu,Ruifa, Jikun Huang and Haifeng Xiao.2000. Experiences of AgriculturalDevelopment and Policy in Taiwan, International Trade,10(2000):25-27.

174.  Huang, Jikun and Hengyun Ma. 2000. InternationalComparison of Agricultural Prices,International Trade, 10(2000):20-24.

175.  Huang, Jikun and Hengyun Ma. 2000. AComparison of Production Costs of Major Agricultural Products Between China andthe Main International Competitors, Strategy and Management, 6(2000): 86-95.

176.  Xian,Qing and Jikun Huang. 2000. Property Right Evolution of Groundwater IrrigationSystem and Cropping Structure Changes, Management World, 5(2000): 163-168.

177.  Huang,Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 2000. Government: the Main Source of Agricultural R&DInvestment, China Sciences and Technology Forum, 4 (2000): 59-62.

178.  Huang, Jikun and Hengyun Ma. 2000. AComparison of Production Costs of Major Agricultural Products Between China andthe Main International Competitors, Chinese Rural Economy,5(2000): 17-21.

179.  Huang,Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 2000. Agricultural R&D Investment System and Pattern:Current Situation and International Comparison, Management World,3(2000): 170-179.

180.  Huang,Jikun, Ninghui Li and Chunlai Chen. 2000. WTO and China’s Agriculture:Challenge Ahead, Enriching World, 2 (2000): 18-19.

181.  Zhang,Linxiu, Amelia Hughart, Scott Rozelle and Jikun Huang. 2000. Rural Labor SupplyBehavior in Economic Fluctuations, Problems of Agricultural Economy,5 (2000): 7-15.

182.  Huang, Jikun and Huengyun Ma. 2000. TheScale of Economy: International Comparison of Production Costs for MajorChinese Products, International Trade, 4(2000): 41-44.

183.  Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2000.An Innovation of Property Right in the Groundwater Irrigation System and ItsTheoretical Explanation, Economic Research Journal, 4 (2000):66-74.

184.  Huang,Jikun, Ruifa Hu and Zhengyu Sun. 2000. Setting Up a New Agricultural TechnicalExtension System, Problems of Agricultural Economy, 4 (2000):17-25.

185.  Huang,Jikun, Ruifa Hu and Yahui Zhang. 2000. International Comparison of AgriculturalR&D Systems, Agricultural Sciences and Technology Economic Management,1 (2000): 4-7.

186.  Huang,Jikun. China's Farmer Income and Growth, Economic Theory and BusinessManagement, 1 (2000): 56-61.

187.  Huang, Jikun, Ninghui Li, Chunlai Chen. 1999. TradeLiberalization and China's Agriculture: Challenges and Policy Implications, TheProblems of Agricultural Economy, 8 (1999): 2-7.

188.  Huang,Jikun. 1999. Challenges, Problems and Strategies in Industrialization ofQuality Rice Production, China Rice, 6 (1999): 13-16.

189.  Huang,Jikun. 1999. Social Development, Urbanization, and Food consumption, SocialSciences in China, 4 (1999): 102-116.

190.  Hu,Ruifa, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 1999. Re-Assessment of China’s ResearchSystem Reform: A Case Study of Plant Breeders’ Behavior, China RuralEconomy, 6 (1999): 1-10.

191.  Huang,Jikun, Ruifa Hu and Scott Rozelle. 1999. China’s Seed Industry Toward 21stCentury, Problems of China's Agricultural Economics.2 (1999):14-21.

192.  Huang,Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Jun Song, and Scott Rozelle. 1999. Agricultural Technologyfrom Innovation to Adoption: Behavior Analyses of Decision Maker, Scientist,Extension Worker, and Farmer, Impact of Science on Society, 1(1999): 55-60.

193.  Huang,Jikun. 1999. Allocation Efficiency of Agricultural Resources in the 20-YearReform, China's Rural Survey, 1 (1999): 1-9 and 2 (1999): 29-37.

194.  Huang, Jikun, Hemgyun Ma and Scott Rozelle, 1998. RuralPoverty and Policy in China, Reforms, 4 (1998): 72-83.

195.  Sun,Jun, Ruifa Hu, and Jikun Huang , Technology Adoption by Farmers, Journalof Agrotechnical Economics, 6 (1998): 36-40.

196. Huang, Jikun andHengyun Ma. 1998. The 20-Year Reform and the Role of Agriculture inChina: Capital Flow from Rural to Urban and from Agriculture to Industry, Reform,5 (1998): 56-63.

197.  Huang,Jikun, Ruifa Hu and Xiandong Fan. 1998. Agricultural Research Investment inChina, China Soft-Sciences 7(1998): 95-101.

198.  Huang,Jikun. 1998. The Impact of Joining the WTO on China’s Grain Market, InternationalTrade,20 (1998):10-13.

199.  Hu,Ruifa, Yanmei Lu, Jikun Huang. 1998. Seed Industrialization in China: Views andRe-actions from Managers of Seed Companies, China’s Rural Economy, 6(1998): 59-67.

200.  Huang,Jikunand Ruifa Hu. 1998. Agricultural Technology Revolution: Past Experience andFuture Prospects, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 3(1998):1-10.

201.  Yu,Wen and Jikun Huang. 1998. RuralMarket Integration in China: A Case Study of Rice, Economic ResearchJournal,3 (1998): 50-58.

202.  Huang,Jikun and Ruifa Hu. 1998. The Development of China’s Agricultural Sciences andTechnology in the Future, Xinhua Wenzhai (Xinhua Abstract),7(1998).

203.  Qiao, Fangbin, Jikun Huang and Soctt Rozelle. 1998.  Forest Land Ownership and Forestry DevelopmentAnEmpirical Analysis in Yunnan Forest Regions, Problems of AgriculturalEconomy, 7 (1998): 23-29

204.  Huang,Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Yanmei Lu and Scott Rozelle. 1998. Seed Industrialization andManagers of Seed Company, Economics and Management of AgriculturalResearch,2 (1998): 7-10.

205.  Huang,Jikun. 1997. Agricultural Research Investment Policy in China: Trend andImplications, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 2 (1997):10-13.

206.  Huang,Jikun, Scott Rozelle and Mark Rosegrant. 1996. The Problem of China's FoodEconomy in the 21st Century, China Rural Survey, 1 (1996): 27-29.

207.  Huang,Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 1996. China's Food Economy to the 21st Century:Retrospect and Prospect, The Problems of Agricultural Economy,17(1996): 17-25.

208.  Huang,Jikun. 1996.China's Grain Supply/Demand Balance and Strategy, Reform,Vol.76, No. 2 (1996):17-23 and Vol.77, No. 3 (1996): 34-40.

209.  Huang,Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 1996. Production, Consumption and Trade of Rice inChina: An Outlook, Chinese Rural Economy, 4 (1996): 21-28.

210.  Hu,Ruifa, Jikun Huang, Carl Pray and Scott Rozelle. 1996. Strategy of AgriculturalResearch Reform in China Management World, 3 (1996): 167-183.

211.  Huang,Jikun, Qiaojun Wang and Qinggeng Chen. 1995. The Efficiency of ChemicalFertilizer Use in Rice Production in China, Chinese Journal of RiceScience,9(1995): 39-44.

212.  Huang,Jikun. 1995. Demand for Staple Food in China, Mathematical Economics andEconometrics, 1 (1995): 25-34.

213.  Huang,Jikun. 1995. Econometrical Analysis of China's Food Consumption, QuantitativeEconomics and Technical Economics Research, 2 (1995): 54-62.

214.  Hu,Ruifa, Jikun Huang and Fei Yong. 1995. Adoption and Diffusion of Early RiceVarieties in China, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics. 4(1995):20-34.

215.  Huang,Jikun. 1994. Income Growth and Demand for Quality Rice in China, TheProblems of Agricultural Economy, 8 (1994): 49-52.

216.  Huang,Jikun. 1994. Causes of Technology Diffusion, Journal of AgrotechnicalEconomics,4 (1994): 37-41.

217.  Huang,Jikun. 1994. Changes in Japanese Rice Trade Policy and China's Rice ExportProspectus, China Rice, 1 (1994): 26-29.

218.  Huang,Jikun, Qinggeng Chen and Qiaojun Wang, 1994.Rice Productivity and FertilizerBalance Use in China's Major Rice Regions, Journal of AgrotechnicalEconomics, 5 (1994): 36-41.

219.  Huang,Jikun. 1993. The Effects of Socio-economic Structural Changes on FoodConsumption patterns in Rural China, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics,4 (1993): 24-30.

220.  Huang,Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 1993. Technological Change and Agricultural Growth inChina, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 6 (1993): 21-29.

221.  Wu,Xianzgang, Canqi Yao, Luping Li and Jikun Huang. 1986. Development Strategy forHigh Quality Rice Production in China, Journal of Salinity Land,4 (1986).


III. Books

1.         Wu, Yunhua, Jikun Huang, Marketing Supply Chains of FreshAgri-product, China Agricultural University Press, 2014, Beijing.

2.         Huang, Jikun, Liangliang Gao, Xianqing Ji, and Scott Rozelle. 2012.Cultivated Land Institutions and Transfer and Investment in Cultivated Land inChina. Contemporary Economics Series, Gezhi Press and Shanghai RenminPress, 2012, Shanghai.

3.         Huang, Jikun, Ran Tao, ZhigangXu, Mingxin Liu and Scott Rozelle, 2011.China’s Agricultural and Rural Development (1978-2008), Cengage LearningAsia Pte. Led, 2011.

4.         Wu, Weiguang, Jikun Huang, 2010.ThePotential of Jatropha as Feedstocks for Biodiesel in Southwest China,China’s Agricultural Press, 2010, Beijing.

5.         Huang, Jikun and Huanguang Qiu(edited). 2010. Social-economic Impactsof Bioethanol Development and China's Strategies for Biofuels, SciencePress, 2010, Beijing.

6.         Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, RuijianChen, Jianwei Mi, Scott Rozelle and Carl Pray. 2010. Economics of Genetically Modified Biotechnology - 10 Year’s Developmentof Bt Cotton in China, Science Press, 2010, Beijing.

7.         Huang, Jikun, Ran Tao, ZhigangXu, Mingxing Liu and Scott Rozelle. 2008. InstitutionalChanges and Sustainable Development: 30 Years of China’s Agricultural and RuralDevelopment. Gezhi Press and Shanghai Renmin Press, 2008, Shanghai.

8.         Zhu, Lifeng and Jikun Huang.2007. Urbanization and Its Impacts onCultivate Land Change in China, Economy Daily Press, 2007, Beijing.

9.         Mei, Fangquan, Xiangshu Zhang,Jikun Huang and Yu Fang. 2006. A Studyon China’s Grain and Food Security and the Early Warning System, ChineseAgricultural Sciences and Technology Press, 2006, Beijing.

10.     Huang, Jikun, Bernard H.Sonntag, Scott Rozelle and John H. Skerrit. 2006. China’ Agricultural and Rural Development in the 21stCentury. China’s Agricultural Press, 2006, Beijing.

11.     Sonntag,Bernard H., Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle and John H. Skerritt. 2005.CCICED Task Force,China’s Agricultural and Rural Development in the Early 21st Century,Australian Government, Australian Centre for International AgriculturalResearch, 2005.

12.     Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang,Zhigang Xu, Scott Rozelle and Qiuqiong Huang. 2005. Irrigation, Management Reform and Impacts: Empirical Research inIrrigation Districts in the Yellow River Basin, China Waterpower Press,2005, Beijing.

13.     Wang,Jinxia, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2005. Property Right Innovation of GroundwaterIrrigation Systems and Water Accounting in the River Basin, ChinaWaterpower Press, 2005, Beijing.

14.     Rosen, Daniel H., Scott Rozelleand Jikun Huang. 2004. Roots of Competitiveness: China’s EvolvingAgriculture Interests, Institute for International Economics, Washington,DC, July 2004.

15.     Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, andScott Rozelle. 2003. Agricultural Research Investment in China: Challengesand Prospects. China's Finance and Economy Press, Beijing.

16.     Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang,Syed Arif Hussain, and Aaron Zazueta. 2000. China: From Afforestation toPoverty Alleviation and Natural Forest management, The World Bank,Washington D.C.

17.     Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, LinxiuZhang, and Scott Rozelle. 2000. The Economy of China's Agricultural R&DInvestment, China's Agricultural Sciences Press, Beijing.

18.     Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle.1998. China’s Grain Economy toward the21st Century. China’s Agricultural Press, Beijing.

19.     Zhu,Xigang and Jikun Huang (eds). 1994. Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Measuring AgriculturalTechnological Change and Impact, AgriculturalSciences and Technology Press, Beijing.

IV. Selected Papers Published in EnglishBooks and Monographs

1.     Huang, Jikun, ScottRozelle, The Role of Agriculture in China’s Development: Performance,Determinants of Successes and Future Challenges, in Emerging Economies: Food and Energy Security, and Technology andInnovation, Edited by Parthasarathi Shome. Pooja Sharma, Springer Press,2015, ISBN 978-81-322-2100-5.

2.     Huang, Jikun, JunYang, Scott Rozelle, The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in China, in Food Price Policy in An Era of MarketInstability: A Political Economy Analysis (Part VI. The Political Economyof Food Price Policy in Large Exporters, Edited by Per Pinstrup- Andersen,Oxford University Press, 2015(ISBN 978-0-19-871857-4)

3.     Huang,Jikun and Scott Rozelle, Agricultural R&D and Extension, in The Oxford Companion to the Economics ofChina, pp:315-319, Edited by Shenggen Fan, Ravi Kanbur, Shang-Jin Wei, andXiaobo Zhang, Oxford University Press, 2014.

4.     ScottRozelle, Jikun Huang, Xiaobing Wang, The food security roots of themiddle-income trap, included in “TheEvolving Sphere of Food Security” edited by Rosamond L. Naylor, Oxford UniversityPress, 2014 (ISBN 978-0-19-935406-1), page 64-86.

5.      Wang,Jinxia, Lijuan Zhang, Qiuqiong Huang, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle, 2014.  Assessment of the Development of GroundwaterMarket in Rural China, Chapter 14 in WaterMarkets for the 21st. Century: What Have We Learned? Edited by K. WilliamEaster and Qiuqiong Huang, Global Issues in Water Policy 11, SpringerPublishing House: 263-282.

6.     Huang, Qiuqiong, Jinxia Wang,Siwa Msangi, Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang, 2014. Water Resource Development in NorthernChina, Chapter in Handbook of WaterEconomics and Institutions, Edited by Kimberly BurnettRichardHowittJames A.Roumassetand ChristopherA. Wada, Routledge Publishing House.

7.     Pray, Carl E., Latha Nagarajan, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, and BharatRamaswami. 2012. The Impact of Bt Cotton and the Potential Impact ofBiotechnology on Other Crops in China and India, in Genetically Modified Food and Global Welfare, pp: 83-114. Edited byColin A. Carter, Gian Carlo Moschini and Ian Sheldon, Printed in Emerald GroupPublishing Limited, 2012.

8.     Luo, Renfu, Linxiu Zhang, JikunHuang and Scott Rozelle. 2010, Community Governance and Public-GoodsInvestments in China’s Villages, in Community,Market and State in Development, pp: 123-147. Edited by Keijiro Otsuka andKaliappaKalirajan, Printed in Great Britain, 2010.

9.     Dawe, David, Steven Block,Ashok Gulati, Jikun Huang and Shoichi Ito. 2010, Domestic Rice Price, Trade,and Marketing Policies, in Rice in theGlobal Economy: Strategic Research and Policy Issues for Food Security, pp:379-408. Edited by Sushil Pandey, Derek Byerlee, David Dawe, Achim Dobermann,Samarendu Mohanty, Scott Rozelle and Bill Hardy, Published by IRRI, 2010.

10.  Huang, Jikun, Yu Liu, Will Martin and Scott Rozelle. 2010.Agricultural Trade Reform and Rural Prosperity: Lessons from China, in China’sGrowing Role in World Trade, pp:397-427. Edited by Robert C. Feenstra and Shangjin Wei. The University ofChicago Press, 2010.

11. Zhang,Linxiu, Songqing Jin, Scott Rozelle, Klaus Deininger and Jikun Huang. 2010. Rights and Rental: Are Rural Cultivated Land Policy andManagement Constraining or Facilitating China’s Modernization? In Growing Pains: Tensions and Opportunity inChina’s Transformation, pp: 87-113. Edited by Jean C. Oi, Scott Rozelle andXueguang Zhou. Published by The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific ResearchCenter, 2010.

12.  Rozelle, Scott and Jikun Huang. 2010. The Marketization of RuralChina: Gain or Pain for China’s Two Hundred Million Farm Families? In Growing Pains: Tensions and Opportunity inChina’s Transformation, pp: 57-85. Edited by Jean C. Oi, Scott Rozelle andXueguang Zhou. Published by The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific ResearchCenter, 2010.

13. Huang,Jikun ang Scott Rozelle. 2009. China’s AgriculturalDevelopment: Past Performance and Future Prospects, in Feeding the Dragon: Agriculture-China and the GMS, pp: 29-66.Edited by Mingsarn Kaosa-ard and Andrew Adam, Published by Chiang MaiUniversity Press, 2009.

14.  Huang, Jikun, Qi Zhang and Scott Rozelle. 2009. Determinants ofRural Poverty Reduction and Pro-Poor Economic Growth in China, in The Poor Rest and Hungry: Assessments,Analyses, and Actions, pp: 203-210. Edited by Joachim von Braun, RuthVargas Hill, and Rajul Pandya-Lorch. Published by Taylor & Francis Ltd.

15. Zhang,Linxiu, Songqing Jin, Scott Rozelle, Klaus Deininger, and Jikun Huang. 2009, Rights and Rental: Are Rural Cultivated Land Policy andManagement Constraining or Facilitating China’s Modernization? In Growing Pains: Tensions and Opportunity inChina's Transformation, edited by Jean C. Oi, Scott Rozelle, and XueguangZhou, Brookings Inst Pr.

16.  Zhang, Lijuan, Jinxia Wang and JikunHuang. 2009. Groundwater Markets in the North ChinaPlain: Impact on Irrigation Water Use, Crop Yields and Farmer Income, in Groundwater Governance in the Indo-Gangeticand Yellow River Basins, pp: 293-308. Editors by Aditi Mukherji, Karen G.Villholth, Bharat R. Sharma and Jinxia Wang, Published by CRC Press/ Balkema,2009.

17. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle,Mill Martin and Yu Liu. 2009. China, in Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Asia, pp: 117-162. Editors by Kym Andersonand Will Martin, Published by The International Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment/ The World Bank, 2009.

18.  Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2008. China: Maize Economy,Incentives and Policies, in Maize inAsia: Changing Markets and Incentives, pp: 93-187. Editors by Ashok Gulatiand John Dixon, Typeset by Italics India, New Delhi, Printed and bound inIndia, 2008.

19. Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang,Scott Rozelle, Qiuqiong Huang and Lijuan Zhang, 2008.  Understanding the Water Crisis in NorthernChina: How do Farmers and Government Respond? in China’s Dilemma: Economic Growth, Environment and Climate Change,pp:276-296. Edited by Ligang Song and Wing Thye Woo, 2008 ANUE Press, Asia PacificPress, Brookings Institution Press and Social Sciences Academic Press (China).

20.  Huang, Jikun, Yunhua Wu and Scott Rozelle. 2008. Marketing China’sFruit: Are Small, Poor Farmers being Excluded from the Supply Chain? In The Transformation of Agri-Food Systems:Globalization, Supply Chains and Smallholder Farmers, pp: 311-331. Editedby Ellen B. McCullough, Prabhu L. Pingali and Kostas G. Stamoulis. Published byThe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Earthscan.

21. Huang, Jikun, Keijiro Otsukaand Scott Rozelle. 2008. Agriculture in China’s Development PastDisappointments, Recent Successes, and Future Challenges, in China’s Great Economic Transformation,pp: 467-505. Edited by Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski, Published forCambridge University, Printed in the United States of America, 2008.

22.  Huang, Jikun, and Scott Rozelle. 2007. The Emergence of AgriculturalCommodity Markets in China, in MarketDevelopment in China: Spillovers, Growth and Inequality, pp:106-123. Editedby Belton M. Fleisher, Haizheng Li and ShunfengSong, Published for MPG BooksLtd, Bodmin, Cornwall.

23.  Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2007. Gains from Trade Reform: TheLikely Impact of China’s WTO Accession on Its Agriculture, in The Dragon and & Elephant: Agriculturaland Rural Reforms in China and India, pp: 283-300. Edited by Ashok Gulatiand Shenggen Fan, published for the International Food Policy ResearchInstitute, The Johns Hopkins University Press , Baltimore.

24.  Zhang, Linxiu, Scott Rozelle and JikunHuang. 2007. Poverty Alleviation in China: Successesand Lessons, in The Dragon and &Elephant: Agricultural and Rural Reforms in China and India, pp: 425-439.Edited by Ashok Gulati and Shenggen Fan, published for the International FoodPolicy Research Institute, The Johns Hopkins University Press , Baltimore.

25.  Zhang, Linxiu, Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huangand Alan de Brauw. 2007. China’s Nonfarm SectorDevelopment: Implications for Rural Off-Farm Employment and Rural Development,in The Dragon and & Elephant:Agricultural and Rural Reforms in China and India, pp: 327-342. Edited byAshok Gulati and Shenggen Fan, published for the International Food PolicyResearch Institute, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

26.  Huang, Jikun, Yu Liu, Will Martin and Scott Rozelle. 2007.Integrating China’s Agricultural Economy into the Global Market: MeasuringDistortions, in China’s AgriculturalSector, China: Linking Markets for Growth, pp: 118-132. Edited by RossGarnaut and Ligang Song, Printed in Australia by University Printing Service,The Australian national University, Canberra.

27.  Dong, Xiaoxia, Honglin Wang, Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang and ThomeReardon. 2007. Small Traders and Small farmers: the Small Engines DrivingChina’s Giant Boom in Horticulture, in GlobalSupply Chains, Standards and the Poor, pp:109-121. Edited by J. F. M.Swinnen, Printed and Bound in the UK by Gromwell Press, Trowbridge.

28.  Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Amelia Blanke, Qiuqiong Huang and ScottRozelle. 2007. The Development, Challenges and Management of Groundwater inRural China, in The AgriculturalGroundwater Revolution: Opportunities and Threats to Development, pp:37-62. Edited by M. Giordano and K. G. Villholth, Published by Associationwith: International Water Management Institute, Typeset in Optima by Spi,Pondicherry, India. Printed and Bound in the UK by Cromwell Press, Trowbridge.

29.  Huang, Jikun, Ruifa, Hu, Jianming Cao and Scott Rozelle. 2006. Non -Point Source Agricultural Pollution: Issues and Implications, in Environment, Water Resources andAgricultural Policies: Lessons From China and OECD Countries, pp: 267-271,Published by OECD, 2006.

30.  Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Hongxing Ni and Ninghui Li. 2006.Country case Studies: China, in TradeReforms and Food Security – Country Case Studies and Synthesis, pp:183-222. Edited by Harmon Thomas, Published by Food and AgricultureOrganization of the United Nations, Rome, 2006.

31.  Huang, Jikun, Keijiro Otsuka and Scott Rozelle. 2006. China’s RuralEconomy and the Path to a Modern Industrial State, in Globalization, Competition and Growth in China, pp: 244-272, Editedby Jian Chen and Shujie Yao, First published in 2006 by Routledge.

32.  Rozelle, Scott, Loren Brandt, Guo Li andJikun Huang. 2005. Land Tenure in China: Facts,Fictions and Issues, in DevelopmentalDilemmas: Land Reform and Institutional Change in China, pp: 121-150,Edited by Peter Ho, First Published 2005, by Rutledge.

33.  Zhang, Linxiu, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2004. Emerging Marketsand Evolving Institutions in China’s Rural Economy, in Dare to Dream: Vision of 2050 Agricultural in China, pp: 251-259.Edited by T.C.Tso and He Kang, China Agricultural University Press.

34.  Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Cunhui Fan, Carl Pray and Scott Rozelle.2004. Economic Impacts of Bt Cotton in China, in Transgenic Cotton, pp:245-264. Edited by Shirong Jia, Sandui Guo, Daochang An and Guixian Xia.Science Press, Beijing/New York.

35.  Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle and Ming Zhang. 2004. The Nature ofDistortions to Agricultural Incentives in China and Implications of WTOAccession, in China and the WTO: Accession, Policy Reform, and PovertyReduction Strategies, pp: 81-98. Edited by Deepak Bhattasali, Shantong Liand Will Martin, The World Bank and Oxford University Press.

36.  Anderson, Kym, Jikun Huang and Elena Ianchovichina. 2004. TheImpacts of WTO Accession on Chinese Agriculture and Poverty, in China andthe WTO: Accession, Policy Reform, and Poverty Reduction Strategies, pp:101-116. Edited by Deepak Bhattasali, Shantong Li and Will Martin, The WorldBank and Oxford University Press.

37. Rozelle,Scott, Jikun Huang and Keijiro Otsuka. 2004. China’sRural Economy and the Path to a Modern Industrial State, In Proceeding forInternational Symposium on China’s Rural Economy: Problems and Strategies,pp: 16-50. Published by Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

38. Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle,2003. China’s Accession toWTO and Shifts in the Agriculture Policy, in Le Politiche Agricole NelMondo. pp: 85-124. Pubblicazioni Del Forum Internazionale Dell’ AgricolturaE Dell’ Alimentazine, N.2 – Settembre, Rome.

39.  Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang and Vince Benziger. 2003. ForestExploitation and Protection in Reform China: Assessing the Impacts of Policyand Economic Growth, in China’s Forests Global Lessons from Market Reforms,pp: 109-134. Edited by William F. Hyde, Brian Belcher, and Jintao Xu, Resourcesfor the Future, Washington, DC.

40.  Li, Ninghui and Jikun Huang. 2003. China’s Agricultural PolicySimulation Model and Its Development, in The 2nd Asia Pacific AgriculturePolicy forum, Oct 22-24, 2003, pp:107-146. Published by Global AgriculturePolicy Institute, Seoul.

41.  Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2003. The Nature of Distortions toAgricultural Incentives in China and Implications of WTO Accession, in Foodsecurity, Sustainable Agriculture, and Rural development in Asia-pacific,pp: 31-50. A joint publication by Global Agriculture Policy Institute (Seoul)and Asia- Pacific Policy Center (Manila).

42.  Pray, Carl and Jikun Huang. 2003. The Impact of BT Cotton in China,in The Economic and Environmental Impacts of Agbiotech, pp: 223-242.Edited by Nicholas G. Kalaitszandonakes. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, NewYork.

43.  Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2003. The Nature of Distortions toAgricultural Incentives in China and Implications of WTO Accession, In RiceScience: Innovations and Impact for Livelihood, pp: 963-984. Edited by T.W. Mew, D. S. Brar, S. Peng, D. Dawe, and B. Hardy. Published by InternationalRice Research Institute, Manila, the Philippines.

44.  Huang, Jikun, Fanbin Qiao, Scott Rozelleand Fenglin Lu. 2003. Farm Pesticide Use, RiceProduction, and Human Health, In Rice Science: Innovations and Impact forLivelihood, pp: 901-918. Edited by T. W. Mew, D. S. Brar, S. Peng, D. Dawe,and B. Hardy. Published by International Rice Research Institute, Manila, thePhilippines.

45.  Meng, Erika C. H, Melinda Smale, ScottRozelle, Ruifa Hu and Jikun Huang. 2003. Wheat GeneticDiversity in China: Measurement and Cost, in Agricultural Trade and Policyin China: Issues, Analysis and Implications, pp: 251-267. Edited by ScottD. Rozelle and Daniel A. Sumner. Published by Ashgate Publishing Limited.

46.  Wang, Dewen, Jikun Huang, Daniel A. Summerand Scott D. Rozelle. 2003. Quotas and Grain Productionin China, In Agricultural Trade and Policy in China: Issues, Analysis andImplications, pp: 111-135, Edited by Scott D. Rozelle and Daniel A. Sumner.Published by Ashgate Publishing Limited.

47.  Huang, Jikun, Chunlai Chen, Scott Rozelle and Francis Tuan. 2003.Trade Liberalization and China’s Food Economy in the 21st Century: Implicationsfor China’s National Food Security, In Agricultural Trade and Policy inChina: Issues, Analysis and Implications, pp: 55-79. Edited by Scott D.Rozelle and Daniel A. Sumner. Published by Ashgate Publishing Limited.

48.  Rozelle, Scott, Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang. 2003. China’s War onPoverty, in How Far across the River? pp:236-272. Edited by Nicholas C.Hope, Dennis Tao Yang and Mu Yang Li, 2003. 

49.  Rozelle, Scott, Songqing Jin, Jikun Huang and Ruifa Hu. 2003. TheImpact of Investments in Agricultural Research on Total Factor Productivity inChina, in Crop Variety Improvement and its Effect on Productivity: TheImpact of International Agricultural Research, pp: 361-386. Edited by R EEvenson and D Gollin, February 2003.

50.  Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Ruifa Hu and Ninghui Li. 2002. China’sRice Economy and policy: Supply, Demand, and Trade in the 21stcentury, in Developments in the Asian Rice Economy, pp: 33-58. Edited byM. Sombilla, M. Hossain and B. hardy, IRRI Publishing.

51. Huang, Jikun. 2002. TradeLiberalization and China’s Food Economy in the 21st Century, in Globalizationand the Developing Countries: Emerging Strategies for Rural Development andPoverty Alleviation, pp: 83-102. Edited by David Bigman, ISNAR, CABIpublishing, 2002. London.

52.  Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle. 2002. Agricultural Protection andRegional Market Integration in China: The Impact of China’s WTO Membership onthe Agricultural Sector, in China in the Global Economy, AgriculturalPolicies in China after WTO Accession, OECD, pp: 94-114.

53. Rozelle,Scott, Jikun Huang and Uma Lele. 2002. China: TheWorld’s Largest Experiment in Conservation and Development, Managing AGlobal Resource, World Band Series on Evaluation and Development, Volume 5,pp: 73-98. Washington D.C.

54.  deBrauw, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 2001. Sequencing and theSuccess of Gradualism: Empirical Evidence from China's Agricultural Reform, in Tomorrow'sAgriculture: Incentives, Institutions, Infrastructure and Innovations,pp:123-146.Edited by G.H. Peters and P. Pingali, Ashgate Publishing Limited,2001, London.

55. Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, CarlPray and Scott Rozelle. 2001. Reforming China’s Agricultural Research System,in Agricultural Research Policy in an Era of Privatization, Edited byDerek Byerler and Ruben G. Echeverria. CABI Publishing, pp:245-263. UK.

56.  Huang, Jikun and Rozelle. 2001. Trade Liberalization, TWO andChina’s Food Economy in the 21st Century: Large, Modest, or LittleImpact? In The Integrated Land and Water Resources Management in theCoast Areas, China. China Environmental Science Press, 2001, Beijing.

57. Huang, Jikun. 2001. TradeLiberalization and China’s Food economy in the 21stCentury:Implications for China’s National Food Security, In Globalization and theDeveloping Countries: Economic Potential and Agricultural Prospects, editedby D. Bigman, ISNAR publishing, Hague, 2001.

58.  Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Xurong Mei, Jiusheng Li, Hui Jun andShuiling Lei. 2001. Water Policy, Management and Institutional Arrangements:The Fuyang River Basin, China, in Integrated Water-Resources Management in aRiver-Basin Context, Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Malang,Indonesia, January 15-19, 2001, pp: 149-169.

59. Lohmar, Bryan, Jinxia Wang,Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang and David Dawe. 2001. Investment, Conflicts andIncentives: The Role of Institutions and Policies in China’s Agricultural WaterManagement on the North China Plain, in Managing Water for the poor,proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Pro-Poor Intervention Strategies inIrrigated Agriculture in Asia, Colombo, 9-10 August 2001.

60.  Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang, Songqing Jin and Ruifa Hu. 2001.Agricultural Research and Total Factor Productivity in China, in PromotingGlobal Innovation of Agricultural Science & Technology and SustainableAgriculture Development, Session 1: Keynote Speech and Government Forum,pp: 173-188. Edited by the Organizing Committee, ICAST, November 7-9, 2001.China Science and Technology Exchange Center. Beijing.

61. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle,Carl Pray and Qinfang Wang. 2001. Plant Biotechnology in the Developing World:The Case of China, in Promoting Global Innovation of Agricultural Science& Technology and Sustainable Agriculture Development, Session 1:Keynote Speech and Government Forum, pp: 199-203. Edited by the OrganizingCommittee, ICAST, Nov. 2001. China Science and Technology Exchange Center.Beijing.

62.  Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray, Fanbin Qiao and Scott Rozelle.2001. Biotechnology as an Alternative to Chemical Pesticides: A Case of BtCotton in China, Promoting Global Innovation of Agricultural Science &Technology and Sustainable Agriculture Development,Session 1: KeynoteSpeech and Government Forum, pp: 204-213. Edited by the Organizing Committee,ICAST, November 7-9, 2001. China Science and Technology Exchange Center.Beijing.

63. Ma,Shiqing, Jikun Huang, Debin Wang, and Dongyu Qu. 2000. ChinaChapter, in Dynamics of Vegetable Production, Distribution and Consumptionin Asia, Edited by Mubarik Ali, pp:69-98. Asian Vegetable Research andDevelopment Center, Taipei.

64.  Hossain, Mahabub and Jikun Huang. 1999. Demand-Supply Balance in theWorld Rice Market: Implications for China's Food Security Strategy, In G.Denning and T.W. Mew (eds.), China and IRRI: Improving China's RiceProductivity in the 21st Century, IRRI and Chinese Academy of AgriculturalSciences, Manila, 1999.

65. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle,and J.Y. Lin. 1998. Impacts of Research and Technological Change on China’sRice Production, Impact of Rice Research, Edited by Prabhu L. Pingaliand Mahabub Hossain, Chapter 11, pp: 263-278, International Rice ResearchInstitute,1998.

66.  Huang, Jikun and Linxiu Zhang. 1998.Agricultural Policy, Developmentand Food Security in China, In SAWG-CCICED, Challenges and Opportunities forSustainable Agriculture in China, China Environment Sciences Press, 1998,pp: 131-151.

67. Pray, Carl, Scott Rozelle andJikun Huang. 1998. China’s Maize Seed Industries, Maize Seed Industries inDeveloping Countries, pp: 335-351. Edited by Michael L. Morris, Chapter 19,Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc, 1998.

68.  Huang, Jikun. Agricultural Policy, Development and Food Security inChina, Agricultural in China 1949-2030, pp:209-257. Edited by Tso,T.C,Francis Tuan, and Miklos Faust, Chapter 4.2, IDEALS, Inc, 1998.

69. Huang, Jikun and Zhang Linxiu.1997. The Macroeconomic and Public Expenditure Indicators of Grain Policies inChina: Some Selected Issues for Discussion, In OECD, Agricultural Policy inChina, pp:180-189, OECD, Paris, 1997.

70.  Zhang, Linxiu, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle. 1997. China'sAgro-environmental Policies and Measures for Sustainable Agriculture, In OECD,Agricultural Policy in China, pp:104-111, OECD, Paris, 1997.

71. Zhang, Linxiu, Jikun Huang andScott Rozelle. 1997. Land Policy and Land Use in China, In OECD, AgriculturalPolicy in China,PP:71-77, OECD, Paris, 1997.

72.  Rozelle, Scott and Jikun Huang. 1997. Sustainable Agriculture andRural Development in China in Mei Fangquan and Fahmi K. Bishay (eds.) pp:82-89.Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. Beijing: ChinaAgricultural Scientech Press. 1997.

73. Huang, Jikun and Scott Rozelle.1997. Evaluation of Sustainable Agriculture: Analysis of Grain Yields in China,in Mei Fangquan and Fahmi K. Bishay (eds.) pp: 183-189.SustainableAgriculture and Rural Development. Beijing: China Agricultural ScientechPress. 1997.

74.  Huang, Jikun. 1997. Agricultural Development, Policy and FoodSecurity in China, In Proceedings: Wageningen-China, Wageningen, Report 84,pp: 3-38, AB-DLO, The Netherland, 1997.

75.  Huang, Jikun. 1996. China's Integration into the Global Economy:Longer Term Implications for Agriculture and the Agro-Food Sector, in OECD'slinkage Study.

76.  Huang, Jikun. 1990. ChangingConsumption Patterns and Demand for Cereal Grains in Asia. Ph.D. Dissertation, the University of the Philippines at Los Banos, Philippines.1990.

V.Policy Report and Policy Briefs

 Huang has played importantrole in advising China’s agricultural and rural development policies. Based onhis research, Huang has prepared more than 80 policy reports or policy briefssince 2001, most of them have been submitted to the State Council, more than 50of these policy reports/briefs have been noticed, considered or approved foractions by national leaders.