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Executive vice president

Executive vice president




The research field:



       PhD in Agricultural Economics, 1987-90

       University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines


       BS in Agricultural Economics, 1980-84

       Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, 210014, China


Positions Current

Primary positions:

Professor, School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University

Director, New Rural Development Institute, Peking University

Honorary Director, China Center for Agricultural Policy, Peking University


Other major positions in recent 5 years:

Member of G20 Think Tank (T20) Expert Group of G20 2022 (Indonesia), Co-chairs of Working Group 4 (TF4) "Food Security & Sustainable Agriculture"

UN Food Systems Summit 2021, Member of the Scientific Group and Co-coordinator of the Action Track 4 – Advancing Equitable Livelihoods

Member, Expert Advisory Committee, the Office of Rural Leading Group under the Central Committee of CPC, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China

Member, Expert Committee of National Development Planning for “the 14th Five-Year Plan”, the National Development and Reform Committee

Think Tank Distinguished Expert, Shandong Provincial Government

Think Tank Distinguished Expert, Jiangxi Provincial Government

Senior Research Professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) S&T Think Tank

Member, Academic Committee, China Institute for Rural Studies, Tsinghua University

Member, Academic Committee, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Member, Academic Committee, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, CAAS

Member, Academic Committee, Information Research Institute, CAAS

Council Member, Think Tank for Urban-Rural Integration, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Member and vice Chair, Academic Committee, Economic Forecasting Center, CAS


Positions in professional associations

President, Asian Society of Agricultural Economists, 2017-up to now

Vice-president of Chinese Association of Agricultural Economics, 2003-2020

Vice-President of Chinese Association of Agro-technology Economics, 2003-up to now


Editorial or Advisory Board in international journals:

Co-editor, China Agricultural Economic Review

Associate-Editor, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development

Associate Editor, World Food Policy

Editor-in-Chief for Column in Agri. Econ., Journal of Integrated Agriculture

Member of Advisory Board, Agricultural Economics

Member of Editorial BoardApplied Economic Perspectives and Policy

Member of Editorial Board, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Member of Advisory Board, China Economic Journal

Member of Advisory Editors, Rangeland Journal

Member of Advisory Editors, China Economic Review

Member of Editorial Board, Frontiers of Engineering Management

Member of Editorial Board, Agribusiness: An International Journal

Member of Advisory Board, Asian Biotechnology and Development Review

Member of Editorial Board, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

Member of Editorial Board, the Frontiers of Economics in China

Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Resources and Ecology


Member of Editorial or Advisory Board in Chinese journals

China Economic Quarterly

Chinese Rural Economy

Forecasting of Science & Technology of Engineering Management

Issues in Agricultural Economy

Journal of Agrotechnical Economics

Management Review

Resources Science

Scientia Agricultura Sinica

World Economic Papers

Agricultural Economics and Management

Pratacultural Science

Agricultural Outlook

Journal of Management Sciences in China

Journal of Agro-Forestry Economics and Management

Transaction of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition)

Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University (Social Science Edition)

Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University (Social Science Edition)


Awards and Honorary Tittles


Fellow of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) (2016)

Honorary Life Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) (2015)

Fellow, World Academy of Sciences TWAS - for the advancement of science in developing countries (2013)

Centennial Anniversary Distinguished Alumnus Award, College of Economics and Management, University of the Philippines (UPLB), 2019

Award for Scientific Progress (Second Prize), Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information, 2015

Award for the National Outstanding Team for Poverty Alleviation in China, the Poverty Alleviation Office, the State Council of China, 2011

Award for IRRI’s Outstanding Alumni, International Rice Research Institute, 2010

Award for Centennial Outstanding Alumnus of College of Economics and Management, the University of the Philippines, Los Banos, 2008

Award for Distinguished Alumni, the University of the Philippines, Los Banos, 2008

Award for Fudan Outstanding Achievement in Management Science in China, 2008

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Third Prize) on Early Warning System Study on Grain and Food Security, the Ministry of Agriculture of China, 2007

National Outstanding Scientist Certificate, the State Council of China, 2007

Award for the First and National Finalists “New Century’s Bai-Qian-Wan Talent Program”, People’s Republic of China (PRC), 2004

Outstanding Achievement Award for Oversea Returning Chinese, 2003

Winner of the 5th Prizes for Young Scientists of China (top 10 Youth Scientists), PRC, 2002

Award for Innovation Team Grant, National Natural Science Foundation of China Committee (NSFC), 2001

Outstanding Youths in National Government Organization, awarded jointly by the State Council and Several Ministries of China, 1999

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Second Prize) on Agricultural R&D Policy Study, the Ministry of Agriculture of China, 1999

Receiver of National Outstanding Youths Foundation, NSFC, 1998

  Winner of the 4th Nomination Prizes for Young Scientists of China, PRC, 1998

Top Ten Outstanding Youths Award, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1997

  Top Ten Outstanding Staffs Award, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1997

  Distinguished Agricultural Scientist, the Ministry of Agriculture of China, 1997

Sun Yefang’s Economic Prize (the highest economist award in China, given every 3 years), 1997

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Second Prize) on China’s Food Policy Study, the Ministry of Agriculture of China, 1996

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Third Prize) on Zhejiang’s Seed Supply and Support System, Zhejiang Science and Technology Commission, 1996

Award for Outstanding Scientific Progress (Third Prize) on China’s Crop Regionalization, the State Agricultural Regional Planning Commission and Ministry of Agriculture, 1991

Received Several Best Quality Paper Awards from Various Academic Associations and Organizations in China


Project leader and co-leader in past 20 years

Received about 100 major research project grants from China and international donors to work on agricultural and rural development


Advising Graduate Students:

Graduate program: Advisor for about 70 M.S. and PhD graduate students with major in agricultural economics and management by end of 2021

Post-doctor program: Advisor for more than 20 post-doctors by end of 2021


Employment Record:


    December 2015 to date


School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University

Director, China Center for Agricultural Policy, Peking University

Director, New Rural Development Institute, Peking University

Vice-president, Jiangxi Agricultural University (April 2018-April 2020)


    October 2000 to December 2015

       Director, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Professor, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS

CCAP is led by a small group of well-trained research fellows and support staff who have unmatched skill and experience in working on many aspects of agricultural and rural development. The Center has demonstrated that it can play unique roles in agricultural economics in China and helping government to make a better policy in agricultural and rural development. CCAP was established in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) in 1995 and moved to CAS in 2000.

    October 1995 – October 2000

       Director and Founder of Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP)

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing

Professor, Institute of Agricultural Economics, CAAS

    September 1994 - September 1995

       Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C., USA

    August - September, 1994

       Visiting Scholar, Stanford University

    November 1992 - August 1994

       Professor and Department Head, Agri. Econ. Dept., China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI), Hangzhou, China

October 1990-October 1992

Post-Doctor Research Fellow, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines

April 1987-October 1990

       Graduate Fellow, IRRI, Philippines

December 1985-February 1986

Collaborative Research Scholar, IRRI

July 1984-April 1987

Research Assistant, CNRRI, Hangzhou, China


Consulting Experience

Consultants for more than 20 international organizations, including World Bank, ADB, UNDP, FAO, WFP, ESCAP/UNs, UNEP, IFAD, OECD, APEC, Rockefeller Foundations, CGIAR, EU Commission, etc.



Published more than 580 journal papers, of which 320+ in the refereed international journals, including Science and Nature, and 23 books.

The selected 20 publications:

  1. Lin, Wensheng, Jikun Huang, 2021. Impacts of Agricultural Incentive Policies on Land Rental Prices: New Evidence from China, Food Policy, 2021.10, 104 (2021): 11-102125.     
  2. Hou, Lingling, Fang Xia, Qihui Chen, Jikun Huang, Yong He, Nathan Rose, Scott Rozelle, 2021. Grassland Ecological Compensation Policy in China: Improves Grassland Quality and Increases Herders' Income, Nature Communications, (2021) 12:4683. | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24942-8.
  3. Sheng, Yu, Jiping Ding, Jikun Huang, 2019. The Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity in Agriculture: Evidence from Maize Production in Northern China, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2019. 101(3): 790-806. 
  4. Huang, Jikun, Ke Zhou, Wei Zhang, Xiangzheng Deng, Wopke van der Werf, Yanhui Lu, Kongming Wu, Mark Rosegrant, 2018. Uncovering the Economic Value of Natural Enemies and True Costs of Chemical Insecticides to Cotton Farmers in China, Environmental Research Letters, 2018. 13: 064027.
  5. Huang, Jikun, Pengfei Shi. Regional Rural and Structural Transformations and Farmer's  Income in the Past Four Decades in China, China Agricultural Economic Review, 2021, 13(2): 278-301.   
  6. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Xinkai Zhu, Shiji Zhao, Yu Sheng, 2020. Agricultural and Rural Development in China during the Past Four Decades: An Introduction, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2020, 64(1): 1-13. 
  7. Hu, Yuanning, Jikun Huang, Lingling Hou. 2019. Impacts of the Grassland Ecological Compensation Policy on Household Livestock Production in China: An Empirical Study in Inner Mongolia, Ecological Economics, 2019, 161: 248-256.
  8. Zhang, Wei, Yanhui Lu, Wopke Werf van der, Jikun Huang, Feng Wu, Ke Zhou et al. 2018. County-level Analysis of the Effects of Land Use, Bt Cotton, and Weather on Cotton Pests in China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018, 115: E7700-E7709.
  9. Huang, Jikun, Guolei Yang, 2017. Understanding Recent Challenges and New Food Policy in China, Global Food Security, 2017, 12: 119-126.
  10. Huang, Jikun, Shukun Wang, Zhihua Xiao, 2017. Rising Herbicide Use and Its Driving Forces in China, European Journal of Development Research, 2017, 29(3): 614-627.
  11. Huang, Jikun, Jiping Ding. 2016. Institutional Innovation and Policy Support to Facilitate Small-Scale Farming Transformation in China, Agricultural Economics, 47: 227–237.
  12. Huang, Jikun, Yangjie Wang, Jinxia Wang, 2015. Farmers’ Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events through Farm Management and Its Impacts on the Mean and Risk of Rice Yield in China, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97: 602-617.
  13. Deiningger, Klaus, Songqing Jin, Fand Xia, Jikun Huang, 2014. Moving Off the Farm: Land Institutions to Facilitate Structural Transformation and Agricultural Productivity Growth in China, World Development, 59:505-520.
  14. Liu, Elaine, Jikun Huang. 2013. Risk Preferences and Pesticide Use by Cotton Farmers in China, Journal of Development Economics, 103: 202-215.
  15. Huang, Jikun, Jun Yang, Siwa Msangi, Scott Rozelle, Alfons Weersink. 2012. Biofuels and the Poor: Global Impact Pathways of Biofuels on Agricultural Markets, Food Policy, 37: 439-451
  16. Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Scott Rozelle and Carl Pray. 2005. Insect-Resistant GM Rice in Farmer Fields: Assessing Productivity and Health Effects in China, Science, 308: 688-690.
  17. Huang, Jikun, Ruifa Hu, Hans van Meijl, Frank van Tongeren. 2004. Biotechnology Boosts to Crop Productivity in China: Trade and Welfare Implications, Journal of Development Economics, 75: 27-54.
  18. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Carl Pray, Qinfang Wang. 2002 Plant Biotechnology in China, Science, 295:674-677.
  19. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, Carl Pray. 2002. Enhancing the Crops to Feed the Poor, Nature, 418: 678-684.
  20. Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle. 1996. Technological Change: The Re-Discovery of the Engine of Productivity Growth in China's Rural Economy, Journal of Development Economics, 49: 337-369.