


时间:7月15日--7月19日  上午9:00--12:00  下午13:30--16:30  
地点:44118太阳成城集团 二教 101

July 15 (Monday)  Hong Qiao (University of Texas at Austin)
Interplay between plant hormone and chromatin regulation
Lecture 1: Plant hormones I
Lecture 2: Plant hormones II
Lecture 3: chromatin regulation in plant hormone I
Lecture 4: chromatin regulation in plant hormone II

July 16 (Tuesday) Xingwang Deng (PKU)
Genomic analysis of plant development
Lecture 1: Plant Genomic Approaches I
Lecture 2: Plant Genomic Approaches II
Lecture 3: Genomic analysis of plant development I
Lecture 4: Genomic analysis of plant development II

July 17 (Wednesday) Chentao Lin (UCLA)
Proteomic analysis of plant development
Lecture 1: Plant proteomics approaches
Lecture 2: Proteomic study of protein modifications
Lecture 3: Proteomic study of cryptochrome signaling
Lecture 4: Proteomics study of chloroplast development

July 18(Thursday) Meng Chen (UC Riverside)
Plant photomorphogenesis and thermomorphogenesis
Lecture 1: Phytochrome Signaling and Photomorphogenesis
Lecture 2: Phytochrome Signaling and Thermomorphogenesis
Lecture 3: Plastid Transcription I: RNA Polymerases
Lecture 4: Plastid Transcription II: Regulation

July 19 (Friday) Juan Dong (Rutgers)
Stem Cell Biology in Plant Development
Lecture 1: Stem cells in plants: origin and maintenance
Lecture 2: Asymmetric cell division of plant stem cells
Lecture 3: Stomatal lineage division and differentiation
Lecture 4: Cell biological perspectives and methods in plant development

时间:7月21日--7月25日  上午9:00--12:00  下午13:30--16:30
地点:44118太阳成城集团 二教102

July 21 (Sunday) Prof. Daniel Chamovits
What a Plant Sees
Lecture 1: Introduction to Plant Biology
Lecture 2: What a Plant Sees

July 22 (Monday) Prof. Daniel Chamovits
What a Plant Smells
Lecture 1: What a Plant Smells
Lecture 2: What's a plant made of?

July 23 (Tuesday) Prof. Daniel Chamovits
What a Plant Feels and Hears
Lecture 1: What a plant feels and hears
Lecture 2: Photosynthesis - how a plant makes energy

July 24 (Wednesday) Prof. Daniel Chamovits
How a Plant Knows Where It Is
Lecture 1: How a Plant Knows Where It Is
Lecture 2: How a plant makes a flower

July 25  (Thursday) Prof. Daniel Chamovits
What a Plant Remembers
Lecture 1: What a Plant Remembers
Lecture 2: Genetic engineering in agriculture



注: 1、本暑期班不收取任何费用,参会人员需自行安排食宿、交通等事宜。


上一篇 :《经济学视角下的资源环境热点问题》2019暑期公选课 下一篇 :2020年44118太阳成城集团《植物知道生命的答案》暑期课程公告(第一轮)