44118太阳成城集团现代农业经济系列讲座】Carbon Emission in the European Union: Driving forces and Possibilities for Reduction

报告人:Dr. Tomas Balezentis


报告地点:44118太阳成城集团王克桢楼 裙楼454会议室


Climate change mitigation is a key issue in formulating global environmental policies. Energy production and consumption are the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Europe. Energy consumption and energy-related GHG emissions from agriculture are an important concern for policymakers, as the agriculture sector itself is a major source of GHG emissions. Carbon emission is the most significant among energy-related GHG emissions in agriculture. This research focuses on the main drivers behind energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emission across agricultural sectors of European countries. The analysis is based on aggregate data from the World Input-Output Database. We devise an integrated approach towards analysis of CO2 emission based upon advanced decomposition and efficiency analysis models. The research covers eighteen European countries and the applied methodology decomposes contributions to CO2 emission across of regions and factors. Results of IDA suggest that decreasing energy intensity is the main factor behind declines in CO2 emission. According to the SBM, the lowest carbon shadow prices are observed in France, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland, and Belgium. These countries thus have the highest potential for reduction in CO2 emission. The results imply that measures to increase energy efficiency are a more effective means to reduce CO2 emissions than are changes in the fuel-mix.

  Tomas Balezentis 博士

 Tomas Balezentis is a Senior Research Fellow at the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics and holds a PhD from Vilnius University, Lithuania, and University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr Balezentis has published over 90 peer-reviewed papers on multi-criteria decision making, efficiency analysis, and agricultural economics in such outlets as Agricultural Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, Applied Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Journal of Productivity Analysis.



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