
School of Advanced Agriculture, Peking University (SAAS,PKU) congratulates that China Agricultural Economic Review ( has published a significant special issue on genetically modified (GM) technology, its policy and implications for China. The selected manuscripts were carefully reviewed by a group of experts from China, Canada and other countries. It is led by distinguished field expert, Dr. Jikun Huang, the Founder and Director of the China Center for Agricultural Policy (CCAP) and a Professor of School of Advanced Agriculture, Peking University.

Genetically modified (GM) technology has become one of important drivers for agricultural development. In 2016, GM crops were planted in 26 countries, which developing countries planted 54% (99.6 million hectares). Accumulated hectares at 2.1 billion, GM crops have increased approximately 110 folds since 1996.

While GM crops have been commercialized for over two decades, the pros and cons of this technology are still hotly debased. This has significantly affected the path of GM crop research and commercialization in many countries, particularly in China. Understanding the current debates on GM technology is critical for GM technology development and commercialization.

This special issue provides new evidence on the attitudes towards GM technology by different stakeholders (e.g., consumers, agribusiness firms, and scientists) and the values of GM technology with implications for China. The special issue scientifically oversees the GM technology development, industrialization and impact on agricultural sector. The role of policy and regulations in managing the development and use of agricultural biotechnologies has also been examined.

The papers and guest editorial can be accessed for free until 11 October 2017. Please click here to access the articles:

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